Saturday, October 15, 2016

So, there you were minding my business...

     Maybe you didn't know you were or maybe you did.  Sometimes minding the business of others is what God wants the Christian to do.  Sometimes minding the business of others is what Satan wants you to do.  If you sometimes don't hang around Christians because you may be called out on your sin, you know what I mean.  The pull of both wanting to be found out and have a way out and the desire to not be found out and continue in your sin are strong.  Ultimately you decide which one to give yourself over to.  There are also those Christians (well intentioned dragons) who seem to live to call others out in order to keep the attention off of themselves.  You maybe have been or are one.  We know that the Holy Spirit works in Christians lives to call us out of sin and into righteousness.  We also know that He works directly in our lives and sometimes uses non-believers to do this as well.  In any case, we need to be able to discern (judge) what is from God and what is not.  God always has our best interests at heart.  Satan always has is best interests at heart.  If we are concerned about what we are doing in our lives not being from God, we need to check out who we are serving.
     One of the gifts of the Spirit is a "word of knowledge" given to us from another with God's anointing.  That can be thrilling or terrifying depending on what it is and what you are doing or not doing.  The book of Revelation spends time on 7 churches calling them out on what they have become.  Jesus called out almost everyone he came into contact with.  I've been called out for positives and negatives in my life.  How we receive having someone minding our business is crucial to bringing us closer to Jesus.  Satan will always take you further from God while God will take you closer to him.  I used the word discern or judge earlier.  People today (even Christians) take it upon themselves to tell others to "not judge others" misinterpreting the Scripture. Judging has multiple meanings.  For the Christian we are called to discern whether or not what we are seeing, hearing or thinking is from God or not.  The same thing goes for those who are minding my business (or yours).  The way they mind our business can be from God or Satan.  Unless you have a good command of your relationship with God, have a good prayer life, and know the Scripture, you can find yourself being judged by either God's Holy Spirit or from Satan and his demons.  One has the purpose to build up while the other has the purpose to tear down. 
      For the Christian, there should be a positive anticipation as the Holy Spirit searches our lives and reveals to us areas where we haven't turned our lives over to God.  Believe me, we all have plenty of those areas.  Why?  Because we are not, have not and never will be perfect here on earth.  I use the word "positive" as it is the posture in which we should anticipate the love of God coming to us.  He chastens those he loves and lavishes blessings on those he loves.  It's good for God to be minding our business...even trough others!  There are several instances where the body of Christ has been instructed on how to correct those who are being disobedient to God.  This procedure is important as it's focus is restoration and not alienation.  During the early years, being a Christian was a dangerous thing to be.  So, the church met underground and had fellowship with believers.  If someone refused to repent they were cast out of the church and left to face the persecutors by themselves.  That doesn't happen very much if ever today.  Today the body of believers (for the most part) leave everyone to themselves and very few become the one who is called by God to mind someone else's business.  Yes, we are our brother's keeper.  Yes, it's always your choice.

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