Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A little birdie told me so.

     Did anyone else have a mother or grandmother (usually common in females) with eyes in the back of their heads?  Were they able to predict what you had done before you had time to confess?  It seemed that you couldn't get away with anything!  They knew all the tricks you were going to use before you had even thought of them.  Didn't you hate that?  Some people see God in that same vein.  Watching over you like some ogre who is just waiting to punish you for whatever you are about to do.  This threat may have been held over you by someone who was religious but definitely not Christian.  The God of the universe (and your world) is both a roaring lion and a gentle lamb.  You make the choice every time you choose to do what you want or what he wants.  Couched in what you want is a selfishness that you haven't given over to Him who knows best.  Couched in what he wants is peace, love and blessings overflowing.  I'd be remiss if I didn't mention grace, forgiveness and salvation.  We live in a world where we determine if we want the deck that is stacked for us or against us.  Choices...pesky little things!
     James 4:17 states: "If you know what is right to do and don't do it, you sin."  Pretty simple and straight forward.  Paul, in most of his letters, writes about his struggle with this in his life.  If Paul struggled with all of this, then I shouldn't feel bad when I do as well.  That doesn't excuse my choice.  Nor does it justify me to do that which is wrong.  Further, I shouldn't even be going there and considering what is wrong.  But, sadly, I do.  So do you.  While your childhood "birdie" may have been a female in your life, in your born again life, the Holy Spirit is that "birdie" and the Holy Spirit isn't so small.  The Bible tells us that everything about us has been known to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit since before we were conceived in our mother's womb.  Which birdie you and I listen to determines what is important in our lives and the lives of others.  Do people in your life see the heart of Jesus?  If they do, great!  If they don't, great!  That means you have a chance to surrender and do what is right before you are taken home. 
     You may think that I'm talking about pie in the sky.  The world would definitely think so!  Who can attain any kind of holiness acceptable to God?  No one.  At least not without encountering Jesus and allowing the Holy Spirit to instruct and direct your path.  The world isn't an easy place for the Christian to exist in.  BUT the world is an easy place for Christ to live through you in the place you are.  The difference is doing what I think versus doing what God thinks.  When you and I exercise the mind of Christ, we live that life regardless of where we are.  Ask someone who has accepted Jesus in the worst prisons of the world.  Ask someone who is displaced because of eons of years of war and destruction.  Ask the disabled or the infirm.  Just don't go and have a pity party about how bad your world and your life is.  Pity parties are indicators that you feel you have rights.  As a Christian we have given up our rights (all of them) in order for Christ to live through us.  As you know, it's always your choice.

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