Sunday, October 23, 2016

Christians should have a "forever" attitude.

    Sometimes I have trouble with this one!  Thinking "forever" is difficult to maintain when the tests and trials come from the world around us.  Remember that we grow from tests and trials though and we either come closer to God or move further away.  When my finite brain tries to wrap itself around the infinite, my brain becomes so overloaded that I cannot go there!  It's simply too much!  Thinking of the infinite nature of God, creation, the beginning of time and the end of times is simply overwhelming.  Then, when we get to heaven, we will be privy to all the infinite knowledge and it won't matter!  Gives us something to look forward to though.  Questions like, "What's at the end of the universe (wherever that is)?" "Where did God originate from?" and "What if..? questions seem to be a companion that I enjoy but still am not able to answer.  There are some forever situations and questions that I do well with thanks to God and his Word.  Eternity...forever for all in one of two places.  Your choice...forever.  Forgiveness...forever for all who choose to receive and pass it on.  Love of God...forever and something I will never be able to fully fathom.  I'm sure that some of you also dwell on these things.
     That is the positive side of "forever".  The negative side of forever also lurks all around us.  That harsh word we spoke to our child for example.  You can never undo forever actions, words and deeds.  The words we speak in anger, haste, and ignorance all are forever.  If you don't think so, why do you remember them? Why do other's remember them.  Forever actions like violence in any form impact anywhere from one person to multi-millions of people.  Think not?  Look back over history.  The lessons are there for everyone to see, interpret and pass on.  That road rage moment where you did what you swore you would not do...forever.  That moment of anger when you said those hurtful words to another, betrayed a trust, or simply intended to hurt someone in vengeance all are forever.  I've been guilty of them all and been victim of them all.  I'm sure many of you have experienced them as well.  We live in a world of forever hurts and fatalities.  Many relationships that have begun with the intention of "forever" have ended while the hurts remain...forever.  But, that's been our choice all along...forever.
     The best part about forever with the Christian is that they have a chance to be forgiven forever, loved forever, enjoy grace forever, and live eternally with the forever Lord we serve.  We've been given the choice (free will) forever when we think, say and do.  The forever element of our choices can only build up the Kingdom of God or tear it down.  There is no in between.  It's simply one or the other.  We impact those around us whether we are aware of it or not.  Complaining under your breath at home or work?  Someone may listen and you've impacted their lives forever.  Posting on social media about the negative?  Yep, you have just impacted someone else's forever.  The media is great at impacting everyone's forever with their hype and particular worldly slant on everything to what some star ate for breakfast to creating enough drama that nations go to war.  Can we say that the Christian participates in this?  Yes!  Our participation is either positive or negative according to our choosing.  We have the choice to either give our forever to Jesus or to the world.  What do you want to do with your forever?  It's always your choice.

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