Thursday, October 20, 2016

Maybe God has something to say about it.

     I've known a lot of situations where I've "taken care of it" (whatever it might have been).  That goes from fixing things to bandaging up my all to frequent wounds.  We tend to try and take care of things on our own before seeking the help of a mechanic, doctor, dentist and other professional services by people who are actually trained to address "it".  I'm sure that I've driven many angels to despair by doing things myself rather than asking what God has to say about it.  Instead of seeking God through the Word, Christians tend to seek the input of those who share like feelings or thoughts.  Often this is detrimental to what God wants accomplished.  But, who asked Him?  We know it all or think we do.  Often that gets us into trouble on many levels leaving bad experiences, botched jobs, and broken hearts as we traverse life's many twists and turns.  What would happen if we were to believe that God knows better than we or someone else know?  Would that transform the way we go about life?  Quite a few Christians believe in the shotgun approach.  Take the first thought or belief and go to the grave with that thought or belief.  Maybe God has something to say about it.
     The Christian shortcut doesn't exist.  It never has.  Many times I've found myself on the freeway when I notice that my gas gauge shows "empty" and I've no gas station in sight.  So, I throw up the, "God if you will help me get to a gas station" prayer and He draws my eyes to my speedometer which shows my disregard for the speed limit.  The question comes, "Why should I help you when you won't obey the law?"  I don't like that question.  Why?  Because I want the shortcut!  I want my car to take me from point A to point B without running out of gas or stranding me somewhere other than my destination.  Have you ever done this?  God has something to say about it.  He says, seek me and honor me in all your ways and I will take care of your needs.  In fact, the Word tells us that the answer to our prayers are on their way from Heaven even before they pass over our lips!  Wow!  Imagine that!  God does have something to say if we would only let him!
     The thoughts, actions and words of the "last resort" often are bereft with disaster.  Things have gone wrong, terribly wrong.  We need to do something right now!  Okay, mister, go stand in the corner and I'll deal with you when you... whatever.  Boy does that not work?  My first two children were opposites.  Sending one to his room was a reward while the same action with my daughter brought the wailing and gnashing of teeth!  We are no different.  Well, grown up in years, but our heads and hearts are still that young child.  God does have something to say about our thought, actions and words.  If only we would ask.  If only we would seek that answer.  If only we would be patient to listen.  If only we turned first to Christ when we begin our day and not waver from that focus.  If only...  God has something to say alright.  He says that he loves us, accepts us and approves of us, his creation.  That is what God has to say.  Content in is loving arms we need not fret or ponder.  Why?  Because God already knows the problems and the answers.  What we do with God's love toward us is a choice.  And it's always your choice.

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