Sunday, May 11, 2014

You can always tell when spring is here.

I'm not talking about the trees being green again or the garden coming up.  I'm not talking about the longer days or the air that seems fresher.  I'm talking about the hustle and bustle we find ourselves part of.  Yesterday (Saturday) I was on the road most of the day.  The roads were packed all day!  People were driving crazy, being rude and in the end I was glad to get back home and in my recliner.  Things are usually okay when I am in my recliner regardless of what is on the to do list.  It was sunny outside and people were enjoying a day of sunshine and no rain.  This time of the year also births garage sales and car washing.  Garage sales are okay.  Most of the good stuff is gone by the time I get around to attending.  This time of the year is also all about decreasing the time we spend in church and instead visit the cathedral of the pines!  God can be worshipped anywhere, anytime.  The Word does tell us to "not forsake the gathering of the believers."  I know that everyone has plans for when the kids are out of school, vacations, and time at the community pool.  It's summer!  I think spring is my favorite time of the year.  Everything seems fresh and new.  Winter has gone, the rain has decreased (Seattle) and spring has come.  Another aspect of spring is the sunshine.  It's amazing how many drivers seem to have forgotten how to drive when the sun is shinning.  You would think we would have adjusted by now.  It's especially bad when driving into the sun.  God made the sun too.  We should be and continue to be thankful that the sunlight of the longer days does more good than to go and be on that over crowded beach.  The reality of the matter is that we need so much more than what we are looking for.  Spring and it's birth are similar to our spiritual changes.  We tend to not give God the attention he deserves when distracted by spring.  The transition from winter is done.  Let's now switch gears and put God first in our planned and unplanned days.  You can always tell when God is at work in some ones life.  Is God at work in your life this spring?

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