Sunday, May 4, 2014

Maybe today

Plans seem to be in the forefront of most everyone I know.  Plans for today.  Plans for right now.  Plans for this person, that school, those activities and even plans for tomorrow.  Despite all of our planning things don't always go as planned.  Sometimes things go better and sometimes they go worse.  Sometimes our plans never come to be.  There are so many variables to the above plans that I couldn't cover even a fraction of them in this post.  What I can do is share some thoughts on plans from, "never plan anything." to "don't do anything without a plan."  Sometimes we just need to use common sense and sometimes we need to listen to common sense.  Here is where we begin to break down in having success with our plans.  My common sense is built on my history, beliefs, and current risk level.  I plan on going to church today.  I would like to be there a little early.  My wife would like to be there on time but seldom is to anything.  So, my plans are to relax and be late.  God will understand.  So, common sense to me (being on time) isn't common sense to my wife (being late).  God's common sense is that we should always be "in church" with our belief that we are to worship him all the time and not just on Sunday.  Some people carry a well documented and organized schedule or similar device.  Alarms on their phones, sticky notes on their rear view mirrors, and many other items mark the plan focused person.  That's not bad...just maybe not what God wants from us.  What does God want for us?  Note that I did not say, "from".  It's important.  The Bible says that he wants us to be blessed beyond measure.  It also says he wants us to have a sure salvation and long to go home to be with him.  Further, God wants us to have rich relationships with others while we are here on earth.  We take all of these wonderful items and punctuate them with "I plan on..." until we can barely notice that God's plan is no longer visible.  Where are we today?  Do we have an open schedule that God can pen in what he wants?  Perhaps, just for today, we should try to do just that.  His plan always works better than mine anyway. 

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