Thursday, May 15, 2014

Early morning revelations

The clock said 4:25 AM and I was awake for the day.  While I don't like rising so early, my internal clock believes that I need to be up.  I barely put my feet on the floor when my large dog can be heard beginning to dance.  It's nice to be able to hear his noises and yet I want him to be quiet so that he doesn't wake anyone else.  So, I make my way out to the living room where I open the blind and see the beauty of the moon in the sky and the extremely still plants, trees, and bushes.  There is no wind this morning.  Next I go to the kitchen where I begin to make coffee.  Fresh ground beans smell so great!  I don't think mornings would be complete without coffee.  At least not for me.  The coffee mug is warm in my hands and feels good to my arthritic joints.  I like this kind of physical therapy!  Continuing my ritual morning routine, I grab a banana as I go to my recliner and begin writing in my daily journal.  The paper that I'm writing on is smooth and feels fresh and vibrant in its emptiness. The smoothness allows my fingers to glide across the page.  The banana tastes wonderful!  Practically every day for the last 3 or 4 years I've begun my day with a banana.  They still taste wonderful first thing in the morning!  I'm very thankful for all the senses that God has given me so that I could experience His world.  Getting outside of myself allows an even better experience.  Normally, we go about our day feeling more behind than we did yesterday and the day before that.  Sitting here writing I am in awe of all that is transpiring around me.  All I need to do is to be still and know that He is God.  I'll go about my day in a few moments.  For the meantime I'll enjoy the changes that are coming in the weather, the newly budded out trees, and the grass that needs mowing.  The dogs are asleep on the floor beside me and everything is quiet in the house except for the ticking of the wall clock and my typing.  God made this moment and every other moment for us to enjoy and rejoice.  It's still early and I'll sit a bit in my recliner looking out my front window at the world as it slowly gets busier.  The same walkers, cars and trucks, bicyclist, and of course the breeze that will begin to blow.  It's a melody being played out in front of me.  I remember the day when I would dread the coming of a new day because I was so busy to not enjoy what I have.  I pray that today will be a day of renewal and rejoicing.  Nothing is as important as God.

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