Saturday, May 31, 2014

In the twinkle of an eye.

Just how long is a "twinkle" of your eye?  It's pretty much the same length of time as for everyone else.  You've seen that mischievous twinkle, in love twinkle, surprised twinkle and a bunch of other twinkles.  None of the twinkles I know about are or could considered to be negative.  Twinkles are positive!  What a relief!  But, the memory of a twinkle can live on for as long as you can hold onto it.  Next time you are with someone look for the twinkle.  When you are angry there is no twinkle.  When you are depressed there is no twinkle.  When you are lonely there is no twinkle.  The twinkle only appears when you are in a positive frame of mind.  If they count, animals (except cats) can have twinkles themselves.  Most of the time you have just come home from being away too long in their minds or you are about to give them dinner or a treat.  You cannot stop a twinkle once it's started.  Once the twinkle has begun you have no choice but to give in and twinkle.  Kids have the best twinkles.  Check them out Christmas morning or Easter morning.  Awesome twinkles!!!  Twinkles can be found in amazement like opening that unexpected gift or that surprise engagement question.  Here is the caveat:  you are in charge of your twinkle and play an important part in others twinkles.  You choose whether you want to be in the positive state of mind.  You choose whether you will be the life of the event or the doom Sayer.  Consequently, we teach our children to twinkle or not.  How about our bosses, co-workers, friends and even our enemies?  Just what does it take to not only twinkle but to help others twinkle as well?  It's not time that gets in our way.  Scientists have measured (of course they have!) the length of a twinkle and found it to be nanosecond.  A nanosecond is 1 1000ndth of a second.  Quite fast!  So, we cannot use time as an excuse.  There are people (you know them) who are wet towels on any and every occasion or event they attend.  But, YOU can choose to not be a wet towel!  Just what is the importance of this word?  Why am I taking up a perfectly good blog space on "twinkle" and not on the world hunger crisis?  There is one "twinkle" that you are not going to want to miss!  The Bible tells us that Jesus is coming back and we will be taken to be with him "in the twinkle of an eye!"  WOW!  Instantly gone and arrived.  There is no plane that travels that fast!  One moment you are talking with your aunt Beth and then, poof, gone.  You see, the practice of twinkling and helping people twinkle is mere practice for the real thing.  I don't know how you are doing in your twinkle.  I do know that everyone has a chance to twinkle.  What do you think about that final twinkle?

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