Monday, July 1, 2019

Old story, new day!

     We'd like to think that events in our lives come around once and any subsequent events are "new" without the characteristics of our past experiences.  That's not true.  Yes, living in the present is important and even necessary.  However, forgetting your past (and mine) will come around to haunt us every time.  I'm not suggesting any of us live in the past.  I am suggesting we allow the lessons of the past to be part of our present and future living of life.  If you will, our lives should be focused on the final picture until we die and go to heaven.  Pretending that Adam and Eve's actions don't have anything to do with us is like pretending we can eat whatever we want, do whatever we want and be whatever we want without the consequences (usually negative) affecting us.  To avoid this trap we must move forward with new life brought about by wisdom.  How exactly do we do this.  Funny you should ask!
     First and foremost, we need to stop passing the buck and accept the consequences for our choices instead of finding excuses why we aren't responsible for our consequences.  Like Hollywood we all have a hypocritical part of us presenting to the world what they want to see instead of reality.  Yes, my breath stinks when I get up in the morning and my hair is messed up.  That's the real me at 6 AM.  But I don't continue in that state. I take measures to bring them under control.  So, why not be real in all of our lives?  Because we don't want to have the world see that we aren't whom we wake up as.  We present ourselves in such a way that brings the real under submission and we are whom we present ourselves to be.  Don't think you do that?  You and most everyone around you do this day in and day out.  We want to have an acceptable image of the world we live in rather than the exposure of who we are in Christ.  The denial of the one cements the acceptance of the other.  Neglecting Christ we become, as in Hollywood, hypocrites.  What to do?
      Glad you asked!  The opposite of being a hypocrite is to be whom God designed you to be.  Accepting His vision of who you and I are brings about changes of the old story into a new day.  To become whom Christ wants us to be we need to let go of what we have professed we are.  Take for example the man who had fallen from a mountain path and was holding onto a scrubby old small tree jutting out from the edge.  They begin calling for help but no one is around to hear them.  Finally, they call out to God and ask for help saving their life.  God says, "Let go and I'll save you." to which they reply: "Is there anyone else out there?"  Disbelief will take us away from God's salvation every time.  In order to have a new day we need to let go BOTH hands and cling onto God believing he will do and be in our lives.  The real question is who you and I choose to let lead our lives into the new day.  It's always your choice and you and I do have to make the choice.  What's your choice?

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