Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Meet Bobby the beggar.

     Bobby stands at the corner of Valencia and Cardinal in Tucson, AZ every day at least since I moved into the neighborhood in March of this year.  He's well tanned, slim and dresses the part.  He's always friendly and has his hand out to anyone who will give him a handout!  In his other hand he carries a sign stating his plight on his and his families plight of obtaining food.  Day in and day out he's there consistently making a living that's better than most.  It's a job where he's self employed and probably doesn't claim his income when tax time comes.  Did I mention he's always clean, his clothes are clean and yet...  I've seen Bobby walking to and from his modest home in the neighborhood with a nice car in the driveway.  Before you condemn me, things aren't always as they seem.  What you see is relegated by your own definitions and convictions.  Some think he's just lazy and needs to go to work.  Some think he's put himself in this place because he's unmarketable.  Some see him as a mission.  None of that matters.  What matters is Bobby has found his niche and will probably be on the corner he's staked for years to come.  It's his world and he likes it.  To stand in the Arizona heat is not much different than many other professions do every day.  Like him, we all are the Bobby's of our worlds respectively.
     Perhaps you think my words harsh?  Maybe you shut your mind when I transitioned to his projected plight to his home in the neighborhood?  You could associate with most everything I've reported.  I don't know your heart and mind.  That's never been my job.  It's the job of the Holy Spirit.  Maybe you and I have entertained angels unaware when we've dropped that spare change from our cup holder (we have cash in our wallet) into his or hers outstretched hand.  The Bible says, "the worker is worth his wage" and it's true.  Think of it this way.  As long as you are paying, Bobby is employed to soothe your conscience, appease your lack of dedication to Christ and your guilt for what wealth you have that you don't want to share.  You've earned it!  Why can't they?  We resent those who we perceive aren't applying themselves in ways we think is right.  You go off to work and guess what?  Bobby does too.
     Peter and John were going to the temple to worship and on their way they encountered a crippled beggar who was asking for money.  Peter, full of the Holy Ghost stopped dead in his tracks as God showed Peter what the beggar really needed versus what he wanted.  Peter said he didn't have money.  He was, after all, a Christian servant in the form of a missionary unemployed fisherman.  He didn't make an excuse, try to rationalize and justify his life or make excuses for who he was hiding the commitment to Christ.  Nope.  Peter said, "stand up and walk."  The beggar didn't hesitate.  He, the Bible says, went leaping and praising God to...worship God in the temple of his heart.  God resides in the building that is you and I.  Even though many say they are Christians, they live like anything but.  Bobby has a job.  His job is begging.  He's no different than you and I in the choices we've made for ourselves.  Remember, it's always your choice!

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