Sunday, July 28, 2019

How many emotions can you go through in a day?

     In my computer I have a picture of a man who is saying:  "I wish I was full of taco's instead of emotions!"  I feel that way often enough to understand both what he's saying and feeling.  How about you?  Ever been on emotional overload?  Some emotional times are brought upon us by the weather, work, car break downs, meal not turning out right and disappointments to mention a few.  Other emotional times are dumped upon us and we are taken by surprise such as the death of someone near and dear to us.  Add national or world tragedies so frequently ending up on TV, social media as well as emailed to us, texted to us and such; suddenly overload takes over and we either react, don't act at all or ignore them all.  Emotions can be good for us as well:  love, pleasure, compliments are but a few ways good emotions come upon us.  Where we tend to focus is on the negatives that are in our life.  I don't like the negatives as they bring havoc into my life.  You too?
     I know I'm not alone but negative emotions bring me to the point where I feel alone.  Sometimes I even feel like God can't be found anywhere.  Emotions that take me there feed my tendency to overeat and with all the wrong things.  My favorite emotional food is Snickers double bar with almonds.  Sugar takes over and I become lethargic and head to the couch bed for a nap.  Unless I'm driving!  I almost never nap when I am driving.  As I fall into my depressed "hole" the problem seems to grow along with the feelings of "poor me".  You too?  So, what do we do?  Drink ourselves into oblivion?  No.  Eat our emotions until we have no more food or money?  No.  Maybe we go to bed until we sleep and then are reluctant to get up.  No.  None of those really work.  They serve the purpose of dissociation.  We are so entwined with the problem that we ignore the solution right in front of us.  We ignore God.
     Please notice that I acknowledge all people fall into this space from time to time.  In fact the Bible says that if you are living for Jesus, this will be a guarantee  in your life.  Persecutions will come, disappointments will be and depression will hit you unless you are a sociopath who doesn't have a conscious.  Jesus said focus on him and his presence in our lives.  I cannot think of a emotional overload like the disciples had when Jesus was arrested, crucified and was dead and buried!  Can you?  THEN!  Jesus walked into a locked room and ate dinner with them.  He never left them even though their faith failed them.  The Old Testament prophecies and Jesus himself told the disciples this all had to happen so that the dead could believe and rise from the dead as well!  Jesus said he would always be with us AND would never forsake us.  Wow!  Now you and I are in charge of either rejoicing or crying.  Remember it's always your choice.

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