Monday, July 22, 2019

What to say and when to say it

     Timing is everything.  Using tact in saying it isn't everything.  Why is that?  Not because we need to be sensitive with the Gospel message.  Not because we don't want to offend anyone.  Certainly not because society has dictated what thy think is proper and right.  And not because we are experts though many think they are (usually pertaining to others and not themselves).  We neglect the solution to what to say and when to say it because we think we are the source and not God.  Though when we lean upon our own understanding we supplant God with ourselves as god.  The difference between our communication and the true Christian communication is the source from which it comes.  You may use this example.  When out in the wilderness and come upon a clear stream of cool fresh water; you think and say, "Look, here is clear and cool water for our thirst to be quenched." without knowing what is upstream. So, professing yourself to be wise you become a fool when upstream a moose takes a dump or relieves themselves in the stream.  Suddenly your proclamation is not so good, expert, or healthy for yourself or those you are with.
     Wouldn't it be nice to stop by one of those storefronts where they claim to know your future?  You could even be amused by how they tell you what you want to hear.  In the end you are charged however much they want and you could have received the same info from your cat or dog!  IF you believe that the psychic is able to predict your future, how come, knowing all, they are in a store front earning a pittance while they could use their infinite knowledge to obtain wealth and not work at all?  I know, sounds like so many televangelists!  Advice books fall into the same category.  Christian help books can quote Scripture just like Satan did.  Both are subject observers presenting alleged objective conclusions.  Wrong.  There is a solution though if people would only listen, think and say what is true.  How we know what is true?  Refer back to some authority from history, some "new thinker" who wants a quick buck or maybe your pastor who is preaching falsely to cover his own sin by deflecting things back onto you so you are feeling guilty for which he will forgive you if you make a donation to him or her.  Televangelists again.
     Outlining the problem is good.  Solving the problem is essential.  How about you and I do this:  believe that the Bible is the Word of God and is unfillable?  How about we actually read only one book, the Bible.  How about we not just believe and read but trust that God will speak to you and through you once you are right relationship with him?  Of course all this begins with our realization that without God I am dead and have nothing to offer anyone.  Now I'm going to get radical.  What if you believe the Word of God, confess your deadness and surrender to Jesus ALL of your life, read the Word and then fall on your knees, wait before the Lord and listen for HIS voice to speak to you.  Finally you will have what to say and when to say it.  Wow!  All that's left is for you to make that choice and it's always your choice!

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