Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Important questions I've been asked

     My teenage daughter has always been free to ask me any question she feels like asking.  Tonight at dinner she asked me out of the blue: "Is abortion murder?"  Enter a teaching moment.  The question was about more than the murder of a baby.  We both knew that.  However, we needed to dance around the reason the question came up, the motive behind the reason, and the answer done in such a fashion that we both could be at peace.  By the way, she aligns with my answer.  The real question was about what was going on in social media and why the outcry against a Christian man who had posted his beliefs.  The responses by the people who posted were angry, hurtful, accusing, demeaning, and demanding he apologize for offending so many.  This social media group were teenagers and young adults.  The stage now set we were ready to explore the reason and the motive.  I provided my own experiences with abortion, my opinion personally and the Scripture which presents the sanctity of life in God's creation.  When all was said and done, she asked me what I thought was the motive behind those protesting this young Christian man's presentation.  The answer was simple.
     But we will get to that.  We covered topics like birth control, personal responsibility, acceptance of positive and negative consequences on EACH parties part, and some other related areas.  We talked about how the law may make it lawful but how the law doesn't diminish God's law regarding the creation and sanctity of life.  We talked about guilt, blaming and shaming.  We even talked about how Christians take stands between both ends as well as all over the place.  You see, we didn't just answer the question as yes or no.  Questions like this are more complex and complicated because we make them so.  Why?  Because, we are now back to the motive question, we are fixated on having our way, making it okay even if it's not and in the end, like Adam and Eve, we are selfish and live selfish lives.  It's all about selfishness which has no room for God's love.  A world without love is...well, Satan's world.  If we, as Christians, aren't standing for God, we are standing for Satan and against God.  That's the truth whether or not you like it.
     This young man expressed his belief because he knew Jesus and knew what God believes to be the answer.  To be ostracized because you are a Christian simply means you are doing something for Christ and Satan doesn't like it.  So, he rallies the allegedly Christian troops to oppose the law of life because we have abdicated our faith, abdicated teaching our faith, and are more concerned about not offending someone than we are about teaching God's truth.  In the rubble left behind we send countless people to hell because you and I don't say something, anything about a loving God who teaches that all life is a creation of His and no one has the right to kill anyone He creates.  Yes, killing for selfishness is murder.  I choose to stand for God.  Remember that it's all your choice as well.  Do you choose life or death?  It's always your choice.

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