Sunday, March 5, 2017

Today is not JUST another day.

     We as people and specifically as Christians tend to look at today and tomorrow as just another day.  A time to be spend doing what we always do, in the manner we always do and expecting different results.  That doesn't work.  The Bible says, "This is the day the Lord has made and I will be glad and rejoice in it!"  Yet at the end of the day we can lay claim to "just another day" as we climb into our beds.  When did this transformation take place for Christians?  When did we begin thinking that every day is just another day?  Was it when we found our niche in life?  Was it when we were first comfortable in our lives?  Perhaps it was when Adam and Eve sinned.  I think this "just another day" thing began when we entertained complacency in our personal and collective lives.  That's not what Jesus wants or has ever wanted.  Either today is new, we are given opportunity, and expected to achieve whatever God has planned for us or it's not.  There is no in between place where we can choose whether or not we want to engage the life God has for us.  When was the last time you greeted your friends, family or others with excited exaltations of "Great news!  It's going to be a great day!"?  I certainly don't hear that from anyone in my circle and when I say it people tend to shy away from me like I've some disease.
     It's pretty apparent that our attitude is contagious to others.  For the most part, people are happier when you are happier, sadder when you are sadder, and angrier when you are angrier.  Our attitude carries so much power.  Ever been around someone who's physical presentation says, "Stay away from me!"?  Me too.  I've been the one who has presented that way.  Sometimes we choose to be in a worse mood just because a little ray of sunshine (well intentioned) has intruded in our misery.  One area that has always confused me is the somber and depressing attitude at funerals.  Unless you aren't saved, the funeral should be a celebration of life and continued life with Jesus.  There should be nothing but jealousy when I die.  I know that people will miss me (at least two and my dogs) and they have a right to process their feelings.  Yet, in their hearts they know that I'm in a much better place.  I've counseled many Christians who "couldn't get past the loss" and are stuck in life.  Tell me where the Scriptural support is for that.  There isn't any.  Gladness is covered well from Scripture.  So, who wants us stuck in our place of just another day?  Satan obviously.  But there are others who do so as well.  Moving forward with Jesus comes at a cost.  That cost is the possibility that those whom you know don't want to come along.  They remain in their place of life.  But you, what do you choose?  do you leave them behind and do what God wants or do you keep going back to that place where it's just another day?
     We should be reading the Bible daily.  There is so much excitement listed within it's pages that we can be encouraged and entertained better than anything on TV.  I challenge you to read the Sermon on the Mount and not feel the need to follow Jesus more closely.  I challenge you to act on that which God has directed for your life to be and not be changed.  I challenge you to admit that your "rut" is self made or a family gene passed on for generations and then change it.  You and I belong to Jesus who is an exciting and loving God!  Perhaps it would be good for our witness to act like we belong to Him than to the world around us.  Who knows what good God will do through you when you act like you believe Him and live in the first day of the rest of your life.  Forgetting what is behind and pressing forward to that goal which is in Christ Jesus.  Double dog dare you!  Have an outstanding day!  Remember it's always your choice.

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