Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Just one more time...please!

     Looking around me I can't help but feel there is an eminent end coming one way or another.  I know that's a safe general statement.  But, it has me thinking and feeling in ways that need to be told.  Are you and I ready for the end?  Whether that be today, this moment, tomorrow or next week, the end comes for all of us.  For the Christian the ending isn't really an ending at all and is an ending completely in other ways.  For the Christian life began when you became a child of the King by surrendering your life to Him who died for your and my sins.  In that sense, physical death means nothing as we pass through a door into another room called heaven.  For those who don't know Jesus, they are dead spiritually and will die physically just as you and I.  The difference is the door they pass through and where it leads.  Eternal bliss for the Christian and eternally alive in hell for the non-Christian.  What about those around us?  Do we really care whether or not they choose one door or the other?  I know many "Christians" who don't believe that God will send anyone to hell.  He won't.  It's your choice whether or not you choose heaven or hell.
     I've had the privilege of leading my children to Jesus.  I can't even begin to explain how it feels to know that when we enter heaven that they will be coming through the same door that I passed.  Many Christians have unsaved children and other family who aren't believers.  So, what are they doing about it?  Does it concern them that they haven't taken care of the very ones they are entrusted with?  Know this, when you pass through the door (either one) you will not have a chance to tell them just one more time.  Like Lazarus and the rich man you won't be able to warn anyone.  Neither will you be able to be an influence in their lives.  YOU and I are in the position of being responsible for the Word being inscribed in their hearts.  Are you doing that?  You can't say, "Just one more time..." when you aren't there.  The Word of God says that the Word will not return void.  That means we can pray, share and be an example to those children, co-workers, friends/enemies and relatives so that we can know that they know.  Once they know, the responsibility is on them to make the choice for themselves.  Then they will one day be in that space where the question of just one more time is on their minds for those around them.
     I vividly remember when my then 4 year old, Jeremy, went into surgery.  My heart was aching even before we went to the hospital.  His tumor was being removed that day.  We had done all the work preparing him for this moment but as parents we are never really prepared for that moment.  Knowing that the anesthesia will bring him one step short of death.  The gurney sized for an adult carrying such a small person.  Saying "I love you!" one last time before that gurney with that little man into the abyss where I had entrusted my son to the hands of the best surgeons we could find.  It's heart wrenching.  I have never been so scared in my life.  There were hours before they told us that he was in recovery and then a few moments later we learned that he was back in surgery because he was hemorrhaging.  My little son!  I didn't have just one more time to tell him so much, share with him so much, live with him so much!  Powerless, all I could do was fall at the feet of Jesus.  What would you have done?  I knew Jeremy knew Jesus.  That is all well and good.  I also knew that if he died a part of me would be torn from my heart. 
     Should we ignore such a great salvation for those we know, tragedy is found in a part of God's heart being torn away when they choose any other door than the one that leads to life eternal with God.  Just one more time, please!  It's always your choice.

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