Saturday, March 11, 2017

God tells us to push forward

     Through Paul, God tells us to push forward keeping in sight the goal which is being in Christ Jesus and to keep that push going until the end.  Sounds really good to me.  But, it's not something that comes easy to me as I'm this sinner that steps off the plan A on an all to regular basis.  Paul laments about that as well "those things I know I should do, I do not and those things that I know I should not do, I do.  Oh wretched man that I am."  Yet, Paul did push on.  So did many people in my past and so have I.  The fact that we area willful mankind that does what they like, we often think there is no forward progress in our lives.  Sometimes that thinking is spot on and other times we go through seasons in order to later see the purpose.  If we do not push forward, we won't see the purpose.  There is a reason for the life we live in Christ.  We can only discover that purpose if we don't acquiesce to the world around us and our personal failings.  As Christians, we can never, never, never give up.  (see Wiston Chruchill)  Should we live in the past like so many do, we are not pushing forward.  Should we live in the future, we are not pushing forward.  Living in the present and forgetting the past is the only choice where we can actually push forward.
     It's kind of like fishing.  You choose your bait carefully.  Then you cast your best cast and the bait disappears into the water (murky this time of year) and wait.  All you can see is the line leading into the water.  You can imagine the hook with the bait floating about 18 inches above the bottom of the place where you are fishing.  You can imagine the fish swimming by without biting or even wishing that they would bite.  You can imagine limiting out on the biggest trout you have ever caught.  You can imagine all of this but it's only imagination.  Imagining is not pushing forward.  It's static, not moving, and rewards you with nothing.  So, you try jiggling your bait thinking the fish might attack a moving object.  Nothing.  Finally you settle on the bank of the river or pond/lake and relax.  Congratulations!  You have just made it to the place where you can relax and feel, listen and see what is really going on.  Now, about that was this big!  When the bait is taken, the feeling of exhilaration is overwhelming.  Fish fever takes over and unless you are careful, you'll lose that yet unseen fish.  Pretending to be wise they showed themselves to be ignorant and they lost the fish.  Should you be in the pushing forward mode the fish is landed and your have dinner, maybe two, as a result of your efforts?  Nope.  As a result of God's efforts on your behalf.  He's the force pushing you forward if you've let Jesus live through you.
     I've pushed forward, stopped, pushed forward again, stopped and continued to repeat this process ever since giving my life to Jesus in October of 1971.  All this means is there were times when I was running my life and doing what I wanted ignoring the push of God.  I may have been productive in a worldly sense but was I productive in a Godly sense?  Perhaps you have asked yourself this question as well.  Life happens and we have two choices.  The first choice, and best choice, is to let Christ live through you in such a way that you find yourself constantly pushing forward towards the goal.  The other choice is to do he same thing but in a worldly way which is not doing what God needs done through you.  You are more important than you think in God's plan.  He depends on you and I to bring the saving grace of Jesus to the lost.  So, what are we to do?  We need to make a choice to die to self and let Christ live through us.  It's always our choice.

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