Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Christian safety in the world of alleged Christianity

     There are countless cults that call themselves Christian and some even mention that Jesus is God.  So do the demons.  Some cults are outright and we can spot them from a mile away.  Others are more subtle and draw people into their trap slowly and with great scheming.  It's easy to get drawn in when you perceive your "fit" with a group.  That might come in any number of ways.  Make no mistake, these cults are not looking out for your good no matter their words and even actions.  Some of the tests regarding cults are simple while some of the tests are difficult.  The simple ones deal with who "they" are and "whom" they present themselves to be.  The hard ones involving your eyes being opened to the cult you have been associated with.  Mike Warnke, Christian comedian, was a high priest for Satan and became a Christian.  That is an extreme example of what I'm talking about.  Some are more subtle and require we put the three prong test to test.  Are they manipulative? Are they controlling? Are they secretive?  Why these three?  Because they are the same things that were presented to Eve and then Adam in the garden by the serpent.  This test of time has stayed the standard ever since. 
     Are they manipulative?  This one can be quite easy to detect.  We need only see how members of the cults (some are denominations) treat people from the time of first contact to possession of these folks.  We bring our neediness to this part of the picture and we are vulnerable to being preyed upon.  Manipulation is through word, action and thoughts.  We hear what they are saying and like Scripture warns, we have "itching ears seeking what we want to hear."  The ability to refute manipulation is found in our search of Scripture and learning what it is the Christian is to believe.  The ability of you and I to say, "something just isn't right" comes in handy and is called common sense.  Standing up against manipulation is important because you are standing up to be accepted just as Christ accepted you.  Do the actions, words and deeds of those have ulterior motives?  You decide.
     Are they controlling?  Often this controlling behavior has it's root in reminding you and I that we are sinners and need to be accountable to a man/woman, group, or even a whole church for your sin.  When this occurs, your spirit is broken down and you play into the hands of those who want to have power over you.  Controlling also precludes that you are not to question the wisdom of the leader or his subordinates.  How do you take action against controlling?  Flee!  Scientology is a very good example of this controlling behavior.  Nietzsche wrote: "Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful"  Trusted words that Christ said first.  "Trust no man."  To combat this cult behavior one needs to know what they believe from the Bible, talks with God and experience.
     Are they secretive?  "Can you keep this between you and I?"  "Don't tell anyone but..."  You get the picture.  Leadership that follows Christ and the Word of God don't need to keep secrets.  There is no need to leave people in the dark wondering just what is going on.  Being secretive belies a plan of personal gain on behalf of the one keeping the secret.  The Bible says that we are to be above reproach.  If you sense there is secret keeping going on, run!  What would the people following Jim Jones have done if they had these three tools to guide them?  But cool aid tastes so sweet.  So do the words of those who keep secrets. 
     In closing, if you are in a situation or considering being in a situation where manipulation, control and secrecy, leave.  Don't fall prey to anyone.  Listen to the Holy Spirit talking within your heart and soul and choose to follow Jesus where he leads.  God NEVER is manipulative, controlling and secretive.  Well, except for the day of his son's return to take us home.  For that no one knows the day or hour and are called to always be ready to give account of he hope within them.  The rapture is closer than you think.  It's always your choice.

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