Friday, March 10, 2017

Things you don't want to experience firsthand

     Being deaf.  Not being able to hear anyone's voice including your own.  Not being able to hear a baby cry.  Not being able to hear the wind in the trees.  There are lots of things that the deaf cannot hear.  Some are positive.  They can't hear your pity, judgment, and apathy.  They can't miss hearing your ignoring them.  So, there seems to be some sort of balance even in the deaf world.  Christians should hear their heart and soul in what they do convey.  Since we have this responsibility and don't always fulfill it, I suggest that we are selectively deaf in our lives.  We don't hear the screams of those we don't want to help.  We don't hear the cries of our children when they need us.  Our selective hearing allows us the choice to ignore the Great Commission.  Remember the Great Commission?  "Go into all the world and preach the good news, heal the sick, raise the dead and care for the orphan and widow."  (my paraphrase)  Maybe we need to look at our own deafness and deal with that?!
     Being unable to talk.  Not being able to talk limits the means of communication and relegates this group of people to sign language or writing.  These people can hear you and I.  Not being able to tell someone you love them.  Not being able to warn your child, neighbor or anyone of a danger that is imminent.  Not being able to sing a song out loud.  Not being able to share the Gospel to a world that doesn't understand sign language.  There are lots of times I've wished I had held my tongue and not said things I have said.  There are lots of times I've not given others the chance to speak but spoken over them or to them and not with them.  Christians aren't the most patient of people and also are less tolerant of those who are different from them.  That includes those who have impaired ability to talk.  Sometimes the speech is impeded by stuttering, Asperger's, and other conditions.  Yet, there is no excuse for the Christian who can love with all their heart soul and mind!  All of which can be expressed without speaking a word. 
     Being blind.  Sight, like hearing and talking is a gift from God.  Though the blind cannot see this or that, the can see with their minds, heart and soul.  Though they haven't seen their child, they can still see the beauty of that child.  Even though they cannot see, they can see the real person through their thoughts, words, and deeds.  Being blind seems like a handicap like being deaf or unable to hear (I hate the term dumb).  Feelings, intuition, and our hearts intentions are all seen by the blind.  Funny that the seeing world has either intentionally or just learned to not feel, not be intuitive and have anything but Godly intentions.  Yes, this applies to the Christian as well.  Jesus talked about the religious not being able to see, hear and talk the truth.  How is this so different from you and I when we neglect such a great opportunity to show Jesus to our world?
     There are other senses that some have and some don't.  There are degrees of disability in each of the categories.  For some, there is treatment that may help.  For some there are understanding people in their lives who support them in any way they can.  But to ALL Jesus commanded us to go and bring his love to them.  Should we bring the love of Jesus that has been give to us to others, we will fulfill the Great Commission.  Remember that it's always your choice.

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