Monday, March 6, 2017

Just because...

     Just because I'm fat, that fact, doesn't mean I'm lazy or undisciplined.  Just because others are thin doesn't mean they are anorexic  or bulimic.  Just because someone is of a certain race they aren't subject to anyone's stereotype.  Just because you and I call ourselves Christian there can be no conclusion that we are perfect.  Just because you and I are not perfect doesn't give us a choice about living for Christ.  Get the point?  We are who we are whether or not people can see what goes on in our minds, privacy, or public activities.  We are who we are whether or not we want to be who we currently are by our choice and not by our compulsion.  Just because pastors have studied the Bible and preach from it they are subject to the same questions as we are about whether we are saved or not.  You see, the rule applies to all.  What's the rule?  The rule is how and who God sees us as being or becoming.  There is no fast or simple way to put the question to others when we have those glaring problems/mistakes/sins that they have.  Don't get me wrong, we are held accountable for all that we think, say and do.  Even unbelievers are subject to that accountability.  So, what's the Christian to do?  How are they to go about evangelizing their world when they aren't perfect?  How are they to enter into the lives of the unsaved unless they understand that we are all beggars trying to find food. 
     Just because the Bible tells us that God always answers prayer, that doesn't mean that he answers the way we want.  He answers in the way that is best according to his plan for us.  Sometimes he answers "yes", sometimes he answers "no", and sometimes he answers "wait".  Who are we that we demand that he act in such a way just because we want this or that to be done now in the way we expect?  We can't demand from God anything.  We can call upon Him and ask with faith believing.  Take healing for example.  Nowhere is there more prayer for healing than for someone who is sick or dying.  Christians and non alike miss the point that there are 8 ways God heals.  The first is miraculous and the last is physical death.  Healing does take place in many dimensions and to many believers and non-believers.  The "prosperity gospel" isn't the Gospel at all and yet Christian and non look towards God as the great wallet in the sky dropping money around to anyone who asks.  Wrong!  Just because we ask doesn't determine what's best for us.  Just what is best for us?  God knows.  He knew before.  He knew during.  He knows after.  We need to believe just because God said he would take care of all of our needs.
     Just because someone says they are Christian doesn't make it so.  Just because someone says they are any profession doesn't make it so.  Just because we gather together and agree that we need to disobey God doesn't make it right.  Why should God bless our choice to live outside of his will?  We have abdicated ourselves from our responsibility and taken steps to do just what Satan did.  We try to be the god of our own world.  You do it and so do I.  It's called our free will. You know, the one that God gave us in the first place.  There is no room in a Christian's life for us to be the god of our own world.  Just because we do so doesn't mean there aren't consequences for what we think, say and do.  Just because I've written this blog doesn't mean that I'm perfect or have arrived.  The struggles that you have, I have had, am having or will have.  We are the body of Christ.  As such we come together and condemn each other?  That's not the way it's supposed to be.  Just because we or someone else says it's true doesn't make it true.  Because God says it, we know it's true.  Satan is known as the father of lies.  Do you want to be in his court or the court of God?  Just's always your choice.

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