Thursday, March 2, 2017

If Jesus loves me, why do I still have problems?

     Sometimes we sit back, look at our lives and ask just this question.  We want to know the answer to the "Why?" questions.  At least I do.  It's not for lack of faith or punishment for my sins, this I know.  So, why the problems?  With my history of multiple of episodes of trauma (many forms) it's not surprising that some of the damage was done early and now is present in my life. I have several physical disabilities resulting from my working to much to hard and to fast.  With 10 surgeries behind me, my body says, "Enough!" and I agree.  Went to see my therapist this morning (that's why I am posting late).  I told her about my being triggered with our last visit and she said, "I'm not going to see you anymore.  I am not qualified to counsel these complex problems you have."  Not exactly what I was looking to hear.  But, God warned me in a dream this was going to happen.  I have choices now and one of them is to listen to God.  My doctor doesn't know what undifferentiated spondyloarthritis or stenosis spondy are.  So, my constant pain is treated according to my knowledge and past experiences.  Why do I still have problems?  I was told that the reason I had a heart attack was that I was working to hard.  To hard?  My personality doesn't sit around and not work hard.  Most people can't envision me taking it easy even though I am disabled retired.  Then, sometimes my internet doesn't work. It' a system invented by men who are not perfect.   At least I have a direct, constant and interactive relationship with God.  But why do I still have problems?
     I'd like to blame it on someone, anyone.  But I cannot.  God always has a reason or purpose for what we are dealing with or engaged with.  Sometimes it's not easy to see at the present.  Other times it's only revealed by time or when we enter heaven.  Then, of course, it won't matter.  Often situations come into my world and I am surprised as God has already had me in that very situation and gone through that situation with the "Why?" question unanswered.  Then, here it is in another's life needing guidance, empathy, grace and other adjectives to help someone else through their valley.  People count on other people who care.  People don't care about how much you know until they know how much your care.  My life is filled with so many experiences (positive and negative) that it is rare when someone brings me something in their lives and I don't have a similar experience.  And, the question is asked, "Why do I still have problems?" by them.  We are destined to encounter problems all the days of our living on planet earth.  Unless you have a perfect life you are included.  It's not without humor that God hasn't changed the reason of our lives ever.  He knows that there will be a time for everything. 
     I know that I will have moments, hours and even longer when I am in the midst of problems that have dawned upon me.  In stead of "Why me?", I now look to the situation and wonder why God has chosen me to learn this lesson.  Why God  trusts me with his answer even when I can't see the reason for the answer.  Jesus loves me. Nothing new in that statement.  He has loved me through every moment of my life.  He knows your life and loved you as well.  God tells us to love him with all our heart soul and mind.  Why?  Because that's how he loves us.  Nothing withheld.  Nothing.  Yes, he allows good thing to happen to bad people.  Yes, he allows bad things to happen to good people.  So, whether you are good or bad, he loves you with an eternal love.  If Jesus loves me, why do I still have problems?  Simply put, to serve his needs for other people.  Why?  Because he loves them as well. You and I are called to be his eyes, ears and hands to a broken world of lost souls.  Remember that it's always your choice.

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