Monday, August 31, 2015

Wish in one hand and want in the other.

     Things my elders said to me when I was young come back every now and then to remind me what the rules of living on this earth are all about.  This particular saying is telling me that my focus is wrong.  We can wish and want all we desire and yet not have that which we wish for or want of.  When our hands are full of wishes (one hand) and wants (the other hand) we basically handicap ourselves from being able to do anything.  Something needs to be put down so we can actually do something.  Doing nothing is easy and non-productive.  Wishing is easy and non-productive.  Wanting is easy and non-productive.  Actually taking the bull by the horns and doing something is productive and could lead to wish and want fulfillment.  At least that's what the Bible says.  But then, those who wish and want without doing something don't have much knowledge of what the Bible tells us our lives should be about. 
     So often we get into the space where our expectations of others, institutions, and governments are not realistic.  Our expectations should never exceed our ability to contribute.  I may not know how to sail the ship but I do know how to mop the deck.  You may not know how to tell someone about your faith but you can show that faith by your actions.  Can you cook a meal?  Lend a ride?  Take the garbage to the curb?  Then you can do that for your neighbor or someone in need.  People with wish in one hand and want in the other often have the frame of mind that it's someone else's job to do the work described in the Bible.  You know, care for the widow and the orphan and the stranger in your land.  Now you know why.  With both hands full of nothing they can do nothing and contribute nothing.  Undergoing surgery and having both hands removed won't work.  Neither will shaming or cajoling.  There has to be the desire.
     Living our lives in such a way that people want what we have is what the Christian life is all about.  Ask yourself, "Do I live my life in such a way that people would want to copy my life?"  "Do I live my life in such a way that others know what my hope is in?"  "Do I live my life so that people can clearly see Jesus working in and through me?"  Hard questions.  You may not like the answer you get.  If you don't know the answer ask another Christian who knows you well to answer the questions for you.  Be prepared to honestly look at yourself should you do so.  Change will be necessary if you are like 99% of the Christians I know.  So, how do we go about the change?  To begin with we need empty hands to do the work.  Letting go of our wishes and wants seems unfair or even harsh but in reality is he only FIRST action any of us can take.  This frees up our hands so they can fold in prayer, take to the shovel and scoop out all the crap we have filled our lives with.  Throw out the bags of expectations (realistic and unrealistic) and dispense with those boxes of harbored thoughts and feelings that do not reflect Jesus to your world. 
     Should you and I be successful at doing this the Scripture in Matthew 6:33 will be fulfilled. "Seek first these thing (things of God) and all this will be given unto you. (what you need)"  You won't find yourself in the wish and want camps if you would do this.  Ask God to help and do what he says.

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