Sunday, August 9, 2015

So, you want to be a rock star!?

     Most, if not all, teenagers dream of one day being a rock star, part of a rock band, or something similar.  There is nothing wrong with the dream.  Some of us older people would still love to be part of that scene.  It's probably a good thing that I can not sing or play an instrument (other than the stereo)!  Dreams are not all supposed to be fulfilled.  Dreams are to spur us on in ventures that somehow mark our territory, make our legacy, or just complete a process.  I've dreamt for years to write a book.  I've written 3 now.  Yes the last two will be published.  The dream was to write a book and not become famous by that book.  Sometimes having the dream is like the ultimate quest (men are you listening).  That buck firmly in the sights, landing that salmon, dating that cheerleader and having the coolest truck are just some examples of dreams.  There is nothing wrong with any of them.  A problem that does pop up is that if we don't see the dream fulfilled we become soured on dreams.  So, we quit hunting, fishing, looking for the most beautiful cheerleader and settle for a not so cool pickup.  We settle.  That's the troubling part of dreams.  We settle.  All that hype, all that waiting, and when the end comes; we settle for less than the dream.
     Sometimes when we engage the dream we do so because we believe that all we deserve is the dream and not the actual coming to life part of the dream.  So when a dream comes true we are incredibly overcome and share with everyone that our dream has come true.  We don't share that it took me 10 years to put together my first book.  We share that the book was published!  The dream is often delayed due to circumstances that come into our lives.  I've always wanted a Mercedes Benz (preferably a 1985 560 SL)  and talked about it until one day I decided to do something about it.  I bought at an auction a 1988 420 SEL.  It was a rough start.  I later upgraded to a 1988 420 SEL gold in color with a tan interior, engine that couldn't be stopped and a roof that retracted for the "cool" effect.  I'm now selling the Mercedes to my son.  He needs a car and I don't "need" two cars.  So, my dream accomplished is now able to be passed on.  His dream is a Corvette.  He'll have to go through a number of cars before he can go there.  I have no doubt he can achieve his dream just as I have mine. 
     Then there are the unrealistic dreams.  "You have just won $5000 a week with Publishers Clearing House!"  Right...  Such a deal we have for you.  Win the lottery?  Not recently...okay, never.  Been granted that promotion you have worked for over so many years?  Hmm...not that one either.  Kids all turned into missionary's for Christ or are pastors?  Mine neither.  Unrealistic dreams are set ups that we place before ourselves knowing that the dictates of that dream being achieved lies with people and places higher than ourselves.  "We are in love!"  "Everything is wonderful!"  "He/She is the only person for me.  We're soul mates!" (said the teenager to her mother.  Mom only nodded and looked at me. 
     So, for the Christian, what should dreams be about?  God is the author of dreams based on His will in our lives.  He wants us to dream of the possible and not impossible.  Wait, you say, nothing is impossible for God.  Yep. Nothing is impossible for God.  It's you and I that get in the way.  Faith is the cornerstone of any dream.  The dream is only as good as the faith the upholds it.  If we believe that we don't deserve this dream no amount of faith will bring it to fruition.  If we believe that dreams have to come about within our time frame or plans; we become disillusioned and give up the dream even if we know it is from God.  If we have unrealistic dreams, we need to ask whether the dream is from God or not.  In the end, it's God's dreams that should captivate our attention.  He will take care of all of the other stuff in our lives.  God dreams that all mankind should come to know Jesus as Lord and live in eternal peace in the new world.  That's it.  His dream is dependent on our taking his dream upon ourselves.  That dream being the only one God has placed before us.  If we don't go out, if we don't cry out, if we don't put ourselves out, how can they hear and if they can't hear, how can they believe and if they don't believe how can they have the dream?  Your dream that one day there will be no more pain and sorrow.  Your dream that all men should hear and receive the dream of God through salvation in his Son. 

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