Monday, August 10, 2015

Life is full of surprises!

     "I'm pregnant."  Okay, I didn't see that one coming.  Not that I didn't want children because I did.  I just wondered about the timing.  Yes, I know what causes it...  I also wonder about the ramifications of all that's implied in that statement.  Responsibility is a big word in the pregnancy and family way.  Emotional, physical, financial, and many other areas come to mind.  The good news is I'm not pregnant!  However, I've gone through this several times with the mothers of my 7 children.  Never the same situation.  Never the same timing.  Never the regret.  I love kids.
     "My car is making a funny noise and smoke is coming from under the hood." said the voice on the phone.  Wonderful!  Just what I needed as I was to go into that important meeting.  Just what I needed after we spent all the reserve cash on our first vacation away from home in 3 years.  Just what would I do, how would I do it, when would I do it?  Expectations from the surprises are determined to upset the status quo, turn off or on the joy, or simply throw a wrench in the works that builds character and stamina.
     "I've become a Christian." said the non-believers spouse.  Great!  What does this mean?  Am I going to be compelled to go to church, to believe as well, to have to move out as we aren't married, or just what am I going to respond.  "That's nice." isn't the best option.  But it is an option along with "Really?", "What's that supposed to mean?" and other interesting questions.  This is a life changer statement.  Nothing will be the same again.  Will here be conflict with the changes in her/his life style?  Will their changes bring up issues for me to either embrace or avoid?  Questions come from surprises.  Some we will ask and some we will be afraid to ask.
     "I have cancer."  What?!  "Oh crap!"  "I am so sorry."  "Are you sure?"  "What are the treatment options?"  "What can I do to help?"  I have never felt so helpless as when my sister (first), brother, (second), sister (third), announced they had cancer.  Previously cancer took my mother.  I hate cancer.  It's a rotten surprise that determines the fortitude of all the parties involved.  Can I bear the burden?  Will our relationship be able to survive (friendship, relationship, marriage, or whatever).  What will I do if this cancer does take the life of someone I love?  It's even harder when the victim is a child.  Cancer shouldn't be.
     Surprises like the above happen.  Life is not a bowl full of cherries and positive surprises.  We have negative ones that invade and entrench in our lives.  Surprises can be (even if positive) what makes or breaks a person.  John the Baptists dad was left speechless for the whole pregnancy.  Sara was very old when she found out about her pregnancy.  I didn't even think people that age did it anymore!  David surprised Goliath but even more those who watched on both sides of the conflict.  There was more than the giant that hit the floor that day.  The Bible is full of surprises both good and bad.  The flood happened.  The walls to Jericho did fall.  Jesus was crucified.  Not all surprises are good but turn into good.  Sometimes we need to just look at perspective and understand that God is in control.  Yes, God is in control!  Surprise!
     God can't win.  He surprises us with salvation and we are devastated with the death of Jesus.  He surprises us with a Savior and we are celebrating the greatest event in the life of the Christian.  He brings about the life of a child.  He allows our car to break down so we can have it towed to someone who needs to hear about how Jesus will take care of everything.  He brings you and I to Christ to change not just our world but the world around us.  Some will like it and some won't.  That's God's business.  He allows cancer.  We don't like it.  Yet we know there are treatments.  We know that if we who know Jesus die that we will be with Him.  We know that this trial is a character builder or breaker.  We have surprises all the time.  Some are minor while others devastate our lives and the lives of those around us. 
     Life is full of surprises...what do you do with yours?

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