Sunday, February 12, 2017

I sinned yesterday...and the day before...and

     It's true.  I cannot, nor will I, deny that I sinned.  God knows the truth anyway even if others don't.  By the way, so did you and you and you.  We all sinned yesterday.  Sometimes we are so acutely aware of our sinning that we just throw up our hands and say, "I'm not perfect, just forgiven."  You and I have said it and probably heard others say it as well. Let me be clear.  This doesn't give us permission to sin knowing that we have forgiveness.  For the Christian most of the sin we partake in is in one of two forms.  The first is the sin of commission.  That's where we know that we have the act before us and we do it anyway.  Then there is the second which is the sin of omission.  That's where we just don't do what God wants us to do when we know he's told us to do something.  Both of these sins fall on us daily.  So, why do we give into them and how did they become such huge monsters in our lives?  Absent mindedness set aside, why do we do that which we know we shouldn't and don't do that which we know that we should?  Paul laments this in his writings and goes on to call himself "the greatest of sinners."  Yet, his life made a remarkable difference then even as it does now.  Why was that?  Despite his sin, he daily "died to self" and "Christ lives in me".  This caveat is key to what I'm addressing today.
     There is no "evening the game" when it comes to sin.  We cannot do good to compensate for that which is wrong.  We are in the world but are called to not be of the world.  That means we are different and should act differently, think differently and guard our speech.  Should we do that we are half way there.  Should we let Jesus live through us (and I mean really live through us) we have a much better chance of victory over sin.  Being a Christian in this world is offensive to many.  It's not that we are purporting to be better than anyone.  Nor is it a statement that we have arrived while the rest are going down on the Titanic!  Yet, the push and pull is there and we acquiesce so as to not be offensive.  Not exactly what Jesus said we should be doing.  Jesus said we needed to proclaim loudly the Gospel and salvation through him to the world.  IF we let the world affect that directive, we are sinning.  See how quickly we go into sin in our daily living?  Sin is always right there before us.  If we don't let the Holy Spirit guard our hearts and minds, we haven't a chance of standing for Jesus.  If we stand for Jesus, the world will hate least that's what the Bible says.  If you are a Christian and sinners love you; there is a need for you to question where your witness is...mine as well.
     Don't let the sin incapacitate your work for God.  Our state of being or condition sinful isn't a get out of witnessing card to be played when we want.   Nor are we disqualified because of our sin (past).  "Who are you to talk?" has been a statement I've heard many times.  Why?  Because I've told my story.  Even though I've fallen down more than most, I've gotten up more than most as well.  Not of my own power, will or discipline, but of the love of God lifting me out of my pig pen.  He's always right there, next to me, weeping with me, disagreeing with me, loving me and yes, forgiving me when I come to him and ask.  Jesus told us to ask, seek, and find.  What?  Salvation. Should you not know Christ, now is the time of salvation of your soul.  Should you know Christ but have fallen, now is the time of salvation.  Should you think you are above the rest, now is the time of salvation.  Salvation (according to the Bible) comes ONLY through Jesus Christ.  So, today I choose to be resurrected with Christ and to live for Christ.  I know, because I am human, that I won't have a perfect day.  I won't let that stop me from telling the love of Christ to others.  What will you do?  It's always your choice.

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