Sunday, February 5, 2017

Do you remember Davy and Goliath?

     I'm not talking about David and Goliath as in the Bible.  Rather, I'm talking about Davy and his dog Goliath that were on Sunday morning TV.  Davy would be at that point where he encountered his daily Christian moral dilemma and Goliath would say, "I don't think that's a good idea Davy"  Davy would do it anyway and then later have to fess up to his mom or dad or someone else and make things right with God.  Do you ever feel that way?  Would you just love to make it through one day without sinning?  I sure would and those around me wish I would as well!  As the snow is falling this morning I am reminded of the Scripture that says he will "wash me whiter than snow."  That's really clean!  Cleaner than the teeth of those who insist on whitening them daily!  Pure white like the freshly fallen snow that hasn't been walked on.  The snow falls silently and is wonderful to watch.  Even though I wasn't a believer at the time, watching Davy and Goliath brought about much comfort that perhaps I wasn't all bad.  In the silence of our presence with God we ask for forgiveness for our sins and they are silently forgiven.  As the Bible says, "to be remembered no more."  Wouldn't it be nice if we could do that with our family and friends as well as our enemies?  What would your life be like if you didn't remember anyone's sin against you and they didn't remember any of your sins against them?  Maybe we should watch some re-runs of Davy and Goliath.
      There is another nice quality to this snow that is falling heavily.  It continues to fall!  There hasn't been a let up in an hour.  I hope that it continues through the day and evening.  That too is symbolic of the grace of God.  It continually falls upon everyone.  Sometimes we see it as we see the snow and sometimes we forget it is falling on us when we don't see a physical reminder.  God says that he wants to bless us so much that we would not be able to contain the blessings from Heaven!  Wow!  I can't even imagine that!  What would happen in the Christians life if they were to state out loud a blessing they have received?  Then not stop until we ran out of blessings we knew of.  You see, there are blessing, like the snow, that you can see and they are reminders of your being blessed.  Then there are the unseen blessings that come at the same time that we don't even acknowledge.  For example, we are blessed by the host of heaven (angels) as they protect us from Satan and his attacks!  What a blessing!  Because we are a sinful people, we don't think of the unseen.  God does though!  He says in he Holy Bible that he watches our going out and our coming in, our standing up and our laying down.  He sees and watches all day every day so that we can live in his hand. 
     When the snow first began falling today the warmer environment melted the snow on contact.  However, the cold flakes continually falling changed their temperature and snow has been accumulating.  The pine tree boughs have been done as the grass.  My orchard is carrying the light weight of the fluffy snow and the roof is white instead of it's normal gray.  This analogy is all about our hearts.  God waits patiently for us to accept his grace and mercy, then waits for us to accept his blessings.  He has to wait because we are a stubborn people who insist on trying to get our own grace and mercy as well as our own blessings.  So God waits.  Eventually the snow changes the environment and so it is with the grace, mercy and love of God.  There is only one part that remains.  Choice.  It's always your choice.

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