Monday, February 20, 2017

Christians who are hot, cold and lukewarm

     I've rotated between the three for most of my Christian life. Maybe you do as well.  Most Christians seem to have that in common.  That doesn't mean that it's appropriate or what God wants.  He wants us to be hot all the time for His purpose and His plan.  People have different ideas of what each of the three are and sometimes in apathy or frustration do nothing...except cold.  There are so many different situations where we have the opportunity to so something or do nothing.  Jesus tells several churches that he wishes they were either hot or cold but they are lukewarm and not doing what they need to do.  This hot, cold and lukewarm situation is sometimes relegated to individual aspects of the Christian life.  Situations like prayer, service, worship, and the like.  When the world sees that we profess but not live what we preach, they see the hypocrisy in our lives and that's a turn off.  I've been on both ends of that one.  Failings aside, we still have the chance to return to God's plan 
     Show me a church that is cold and I'll see a church that is dead.  The Holy Spirit has left the building.  There is no accountability to God, each other or the community that they are a part of.  The Gospel isn't being preached and they see no need.  Being a part of or member of this church is to be on the rolls and pay your tithe.  That's it.  Oh yeah, they will bury you for a fee!  Show me a church that is lukewarm and you will see the "fuzzies" where accommodation is the key message beside the message of everyone is okay.  The lukewarm church has compromised the Gospel to that place where they stand for little and tolerate what Jesus wouldn't tolerate.  The lukewarm church isn't much on personal involvement unless there is a liberal agenda.  Jesus wasn't a liberal.  Show me a church that is hot and you won't have to ask me twice to attend.  The hot church is full of the Holy Spirit and thriving.  They are inviting others to meet God instead of the same ole, same ole.  They are inviting others to meet Jesus instead of feeling that their works will save them.  The hot church has a mission designed and implemented by God and not man.  The prayers of the hot church "avail much" and are life changing.  The hot church is all about Jesus and not about the world.  Which one do you go to?  Which one do you belong?  Which one do you warn others to stay away from?
     As sinners we like to feel good, comfortable and just plain happy.  When we are in "sinner mode" we like the lukewarm church because we are never challenged.  When we are set in our sinful ways we want to be in the cold church because no one cares and you can hide.  When we are free from our sin (daily confession for me!), we seek out the believers who honor the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit both in public and private.  This may seem all good and well when we consider the whole.  When we stand before God we will have that moment when God says that our names are written in the Book of Life and we are invited into heaven for all of eternity.  There is also that moment when we stand before God and will we hear that our names aren't listed?  Because we are living now here on earth in the world, we need to be sure that we spend eternity in God's presence.  That begins when we meet the Savior and surrender our lives to him.  We become alive and from that moment on live eternally with God.  We are in His presence daily and because of that intimacy can approach God with all that he shows us.  Do you have this life?  Are you cold?  Are you lukewarm?  Are you hot?  It's a question that only you can answer.  What is your Christian life all about?  It's always your choice. 

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