Thursday, June 30, 2016

Jesus didn't teach political correctness.

     It's true!  Jesus didn't teach political correctness.  He taught us to say the truth simply and consistently.  He told us to say "yes" and "no" without excuse.  He shared a means to pray where God was and is the "Father" and he is the "Son."  He recognized the image of God in people and commanded that we do the same.  Jesus confronted the sinner with their sin AND told them to repent.  Jesus, some will say, was God.  That's true and he still is.  I know that God is perfect and I am not.  In Matthew 6:33 Jesus tells us to be "perfect even as our Father in heaven is perfect."  Tall order!  What do we do with all of this.  Keith Green (Christian, songwriter and singer as well as evangelist) wrote a song titled "No Compromise."  In that song he encourages to never compromise our relationship with God regardless of who is pressuring us.  Make no apologies for the faith you have is a summation of what the Apostle Paul proclaimed.  Run the race, claim the prize and hear "Well done, thou good and faithful servant."  Servant of whom?  Servant of the world and it's idea of Christianity?  No.  Servant of the politically correct crowd afraid of telling things like they are?  No.  Servant of the living God who knows our every need and died so that we can have life?  Yes. 
     There is nowhere in Jesus' life any evidence that he bowed to political correctness.  He sat and ate with sinners (here's a clue, all of us were sinners), he met with a Samaritan woman, delivered a prostitute from her demons, raised the dead, healed the sick, fed 5000 with a couple of fish and loaves of bread, threw the money changers out of the temple and chased them away.  No, there was no room in his life among mankind for political correctness.  His stance wasn't without cost though.  During his ministry the religious authorities tried to trap him, trick him, falsely accuse him, ridicule him, have him and his disciples ostracized and followed him everywhere to discredit what he said and did.  Why did they put so much energy into all of this?  Why was it that they feared this man so much?  Because they knew he was God and to admit to that point would demand they drop their political correctness.  They would have to face the fact that they were enslaving God's people and micromanaging their lives.  They would have to admit their fear of the loss of control.
     On a recent airline flight a man had a heart attack.  Tim Tebow was on that plane and went to pray with and be with the wife.  He stayed with the woman and then helped her off the plane, gathered her luggage, put them in the car that was meeting him, took her to the hospital and stayed with her until the doctors came to inform her that her husband was dead.  He did what Jesus would have done.  His reward?  The avalanche of negativity began immediately as lookie loos were busy on the plane taking pictures and posting on social media his "celebrity posturing".  The negativity was countered by others who praised him for doing what NO ONE else was willing to do.  He prayed for a woman.  Blackballed by the NFL for his Christian status, Tim continues to be politically incorrect and doing what his Lord has asked of him.  Tim made a choice.  That choice was to do what Jesus asked wherever and whenever he was called upon to do so.  He did so at the risk of what went on in social media.  They called it a media stunt.  He called it doing the will of God. 
     Jesus didn't teach tolerance.  He taught accountability.  Jesus didn't teach luke warm Christianity.  He taught all or nothing.  Jesus didn't teach acceptance at any level.  He taught step to the standard and live that standard.  Jesus didn't teach multitude of ways to heaven.  He taught that HE was the way to heaven.  Jesus didn't teach us to coexist.  He taught us to be in the world but not a part of the world.  Jesus didn't teach us to not make a choice, to not be involved, to not stand up for him.  He taught us to make disciples of all mankind.  Jesus taught us there was ONE choice.  Will we follow Him or not.  Period.  What's your choice?

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