Thursday, June 2, 2016

I've lost my conscience. Has anyone seen it?

     It's a terrible thing when we lose our conscience.  Our moral compass, so to speak, seems to fly out window and we think, say and do things we know we shouldn't.  That's not the problem though as we are all sinners and unable to live perfect lives.  The real problem is when we don't mind going against our morals and what we know is right.  Our conscience is something God put into our creation in order to uphold his holiness in our lives.  The response we give to our conscience is what determines the difference of a heart for the world or a heart for God.  It's not that complex and yet, I fail to do what is right from time to time. I recently read a statement that said God cannot bless that which man does even though man has made it legal.  Our nation is full of laws that are contrary to that of a Godly conscience.  You know what I'm talking about.  Perhaps you feel caught in that quandary over whether to do what is legal or what is right.  It's a difficult place to be.  Imagine if you will that the human conscience is a gear with cogs on it that intermesh with the gear that is God.  Every time we want to be outside the will of God we knock off a cog so that it doesn't bother us.  Should we get to the point where there are no more cogs left, our lives belong to the world and the god we serve there.
     When your sin, my sin, or the sin of others no longer bothers you or you have chosen to engage that sin as well, the cogs of the gear of your conscience are missing.  Just like everything else, God can take care of that problem if we want him to.  Most of the time we like our sin more than we like pleasing God.  So, the gear is worn down and anything goes.  In order evil to win all that needs to take place if for mankind to do nothing to stop it.  We take so lightly the responsibilities of our place in life.  The god of this world, the devil, wants it that way.  We don't care about right as much as we care about our "rights" in the world.  We teach our friends, families and children to do the same.  In a world gone "rights" crazy the moral compass is missing.  The logic of life is gone and is replaced with personal pleasure and temporary happiness.  Let's look at it this way; if I planted my garden and weeds came up (which they will) I would pull those weeds to preserve the nutrients of the soil for my plants used to feed my family.  Should I choose to ignore the weeds the harvest will be less and in lesser quality because of the weeds.  Should I decide to feed my family the weeds (though some are edible) there would be much resistance until they were hungry, convinced the weeds were good and that was all we had to eat.  Then slowly over time I wouldn't plant a garden and we would be eating weeds because they were food.  With the right spices and sauces they can taste great.  That's what happens when we lose our conscience and don't know right from wrong.
     Our world is full of weeds and cogless gears.  There is no moral compass that begins to reflect the will of God.  The leaders are failing to lead, the masses of people are failing to hold accountable and all are becoming satiated with what is presented rather than what is right.  There is a war going on for every believers soul and the souls of their children, spouses, other relatives and friends.  All it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.  The Christian church and community is doing a great job of doing nothing.  There are even churches that proclaim that which is wrong to be right so that people are comfortable and able to exercise their "rights" as they see them.  When the gospel is watered down there is no Gospel.  God sees my plight, your plight and the plight of the Christian world.  He is not silent, doesn't sit by do nothing, and has more to say than I can write here.  What God has created in us is freewill.  What mankind has done is create more slavery by their choices.  Enslavement to the world.  Fear of offending.  Being cautious in sharing Jesus.  Not intervening when we know we should.  The conscience we had inside of our lives is being worn away.  Some don't fight the battle but give in.  I've done that.  God waits for us to repent and follow Him in His ways so that he can bless us with all the blessings of heaven.  He waits for my choice, your choice and the Christian family choice.  It's your choice.

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