Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Basically, the world IS going to hell in a hand basket!

     Our biggest delusion as Christians is that we can somehow halt the flush of the toilet and make everything okay.  We can't, won't and shouldn't.  That's not to say we shouldn't go on telling others of Jesus' saving grace.  We should do that...until the day we pass from here to there.  The devil carries the hand basket.  He's the god of this world.  God cast him to earth as punishment for rebelling against him and taking a lot of angels (now demons) with him.  The devil and the demons are still here and continue to rebel taking names and kicking butt.  From the beginning of time the devils focus has been to turn the hearts and minds of men, women and children away from God and his love.  They will use any and every way imaginable to bring down those who are doing anything for God.  It's called persecution.  If you aren't feeling persecuted for your faith in Jesus Christ, you aren't doing anything for God.  That's right.  If you aren't feeling the persecution that comes from the devil and his demons, you aren't a threat to him and his message.  If you were a threat to the devil, you would know it.  As it is, the church is full of unpersecuted Christians.  Jesus promised that if we followed him that we would be persecuted.  He said we would have all kinds of evil things said about us to discredit us and to derail the mission God has for everyone.  That mission is to preach, teach and live Jesus to others so that some may be saved.  Someone did this preaching, teaching and living of Jesus to you or you wouldn't be reading this blog and serving Jesus.
     We can couch the world's problems anyway we like.  It still doesn't change the picture or make things better than they really are.  We have our church picnics, home groups, and a host of other Christian activities including celebration of the Easter Bunny, Halloween, and Santa Claus.  All the while we should be celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus, the victory of Jesus over Satan and the birth of our Savior.  But we go even further and pervert the Gospel by making it say what we like instead of liking what it says.  We encourage those who are sinning and living sinful lives while chastising those who stand up to the heresy being preached.  The alleged Christian church does more damage to it's saints than the non-believing world.  Make a stand against what God says is wrong and you are not understanding.  Hold someone accountable for what they are or are not doing and you are being judgmental.  Tell someone the truth about their spiritual depravity and you are some kind of weirdo who must be starting a cult.  We have it backwards.  We've abandoned the Gospel.  WE are wrong.  It is WE who are carrying the devils hand basket.  By choice. 
     All it takes for evil to win is for good men and women to do nothing.  It's your choice.  Do nothing and be used by Satan or do something and be persecuted by Satan.  It's your choice.  Do what Jesus told and tells you to do and see lives come to him for salvation.  It's your choice.  We are commanded to go forth and make all men disciples of Jesus.  Are you?

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