Monday, June 13, 2016

Somewhere in the jungle of life there is reason.

     Can't help but reflect a bit on the state of Florida's problems.  Well, they are not just Florida's problems as every one of the 50 states have the same problems to one degree or another.  For the Christian there may be a difference of opinions as to why the shootings happened from that of the non-Christian.  Here's why.  We know the history of religious conflict (or should know) throughout time beginning with Adam and Eve.  We know the propensity of mankind to destroy each other in order to make ourselves superior since the beginning of time with Cain and Abel.  We know the history of the select people Abraham and Sarah birthed.  Well, Sarah and her hand maiden which she gave to Abraham to have kids because she wasn't able to give Abraham a son.  Two son's emerged to go on to form the massive and divisive ongoing and complex attempt to usurp the other.  We know that there has been a moral decay ongoing since Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden.  We know that Satan goes about the earth seeking whomever he can consume and destroy.  We know that there is an end to the story and Jesus has already won, redeemed the believer and set captivity and destruction in place for Satan, his demons, and those who don't or won't believe.  The end of the story is told.  In the meantime we are told that mankind has to get to a place of moral decay worse than it was during the days of Noah before Jesus comes back.  We are told there will be wars and rumors of wars.  We are told that parents and children will be turned against each other.  We are told that government control will increase and people will be enslaved by the desires of the Beast and the one world government.  We know this.  The Bible has told us all of this.  While we were doing felt displays with our kids in Sunday school telling them all the good and happy stuff, the world was preparing them for where we are today. 
     So, here we are.  We are our own worst enemy.  We are destructive, unforgiving, vindictive and unreasonable.  We are taught to be these things by a world gone crazy.  Yes, since the beginning of time.  Do you realize that prior to the fall that time didn't exist?  Did you realize that when you die time ceases to exist?  Prior to and after the end of time there is peace.  In between we have to deal with what comes our ways.  We are told to tell the truth and it will set us free.  Yet, we are encouraged to support and include those who have and are continuing to sin of their own free will.  They, like us, bring the consequences of our sin with our choices.  When I had an affair, I brought the consequences of that affair to my home, my children, my profession, friends and even the community.  I chose to sin and everyone paid for my sin.  Why should it be different for anyone else?  Why should we be appalled when a young person is shot and killed when he robs a store and then points a gun at the police?  Why should we be making it an issue of discrimination, color or sex?  Why should we be making excuses for the natural reaction to sin?  That's what it is.  It's sin.  Parents who don't sin.  Schools that don't sin.  Leaders who don't sin.  The wages of sin is death.  That's what the Bible says whether you like it or not.  I should have been dead a hundred times for my sin.  I'm talking about my sin after becoming a believer.  You know what I mean.  I'm telling your story as well.  It doesn't matter if you and I don't like the story.  The story is still true.
     How do we escape such a great condemnation?  To what part of the earth do we flee to avoid the sin that is all around us?  We cannot avoid that which permeates our lives, world and future.  It's said that mankind will turn on each other, that children will betray their parents, that the various peoples on the earth will seek to destroy or be destroyed.  Yet, we don't listen and the moral decline continues.  We shouldn't be shaking our heads and stating "how could that happen" when we are the ones who put all of "that" in motion?  We tell our kids that we are to be peace lovers and then buy them the most violent video games on earth where they kill thousands and never feel the pain.  We tell Hollywood it's not only great but fantastic to produce horror and violent movies and then are appalled when the scene is played out in real life.  Just what did we expect a morally bankrupt society to do?!  Stop the blame game!  We are the "reason" and the earth is ripe for the consequences of what we have been doing for thousands of years.  The Christian, more than any, have the obligation to not tolerate sinful choices of individuals, groups and nations.  The message Jesus proclaimed was that He is the "way, truth and life." and not some religious leader who is dead but told his people to kill everyone who believes differently.  Things are not good in the world because of your and my choice.  Whether we like that or not, it's true.  It's always our choice.

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