Sunday, June 5, 2016

Ever get that creepy feeling like there is a bug crawling on you?

    I do and I don't like it.  Being deathly afraid of spiders doesn't help me to deal with the creepy feeling like something is crawling on me.  I don't know why I'm afraid of spiders but I am.  I've always been afraid of spiders.  I grew up on a farm where there are lots of spiders.  You'd think I'd been able to outgrow the fear but I haven't.  Sometimes there are events that take place that leave us feeling like there is something spiritually creepy going on around us.  Since I am a Christian, I cannot be possessed by demons.  That's what the Bible tells us.  That certainly doesn't mean that I can't be tempted and tormented by demons.  I am at times.  Perhaps you are as well.  My spirit witnesses that the demons are real and desire to distract me from looking at Jesus.  Whenever I look at somewhere else than the Cross, I open myself up to the creepiness of the satanic world we live in.  The Bible tells us that Satan goes around the earth like a roaring lion seeking whom he desires.  he doesn't do that to bring us cookies and milk.  He does this so that we fear him more than have faith in God.  Physics tells us that for every action there is a reaction.  We choose that reaction even if we don't choose the action.  Rather than choosing to let God have the situation we go about our feeble way trying to do the work that God wants to do in our lives. 
     Like many people I have allergies.  When I drink a sugar soda I almost immediately have my hands swell up.  This doesn't happen with sugar free sodas.  I don't have this happen with other sugars in other foods I eat.  The sugar is both a blessing to be enjoyed and a bane for me when I have some.  I can usually tell if I've been given a real soda or a sugar free one with the first sip.  However, I, like you, probably will drink the rest of the drink once again causing my hands to swell up.  I didn't heed the warning and took the consequences as well.  It's the same thing with the creepy feeling I've introduced.  Once engaged there doesn't even need to be a creepy spider around to have me overcome with that creepy feeling as if one is walking on me.  If, you are similar to me, the location of those creepy feelings are as specific as the reaction to the sugar soda.  I feel them as a consequence of my fear.  Fear is manufactured in the demonic spiritual realm.  Deal with the fear and the problem disappears.  Don't deal with it and you carry the problem for the rest of your life. 
     I've taken steps to keep spiders and other insects out of my house.  I have plug in deterrents that give off a vibe that only insects hear and they flee the area where they are placed.  I have at least one in every room!  It's been a life saver for me.  However, I do have to go outside and face the world of my garden, sheds, greenhouse, orchard and other places where bugs are plentiful.  It's the same in our Christian lives. Satan wants to keep us bottled up in our houses fearful of what people will think, day and do if they find out we are Christian.  It's when we step out in faith that we begin to see the hand of God working to quell our fears, embolden our witness and the lives of those around us changing.  Shake off the creepy feelings and walk forward in confidence that everything is going just as God wants it to go in your world.  Maybe the creepy feeling you are having is sin that hasn't been dealt with?  Sometimes we need to pause and let God clear out the sin that we have stacked up over the day, week or maybe even a lifetime.  Those sins are creepy when we encounter the Spirit of the living God.  Jesus calms the storm and calms the spirit.  It may be your choice to let Him do that but it is his work that allows you to make the choice.  Choose wisely.

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