Friday, June 24, 2016

Judge not lest you be judged.

     You would think that Christians are called to be the most nonjudgmental people on earth.  They are not.  They, according to the Bible are called to be just the opposite.  The definition of "judge" includes the obligation to be discerning between right and wrong and then make the "judgment" based on that criteria outlined in the Bible.  There is and needs to be a caution to not be judgmental of others.  God can do that just fine without us.  Throwing stones at others while we are no different is wrong.  Throwing stones that God gives us to throw is quite another thing.  For instance, God gives us the heart and mind to make decisions that are informed and in line with Scripture.  When we make that decision we "judge" and act/react accordingly.  For instance, our child gets caught shoplifting at the local store; we don't ignore the situation.  We judge that this behavior isn't in line with Scripture and then discipline based on that judgment.  The world also prosecutes and there are consequences for that child's actions.  The reason this is set in place is to guide and direct our child into a more Godly living.  What is set in place through the Word is life to those who believe.  Keep in mind that we don't excuse our own behavior when it's not what God wants. 
     Now we know that we, being human, are not able to live a sinless day.  That means we are constantly under judgment and condemnation.  What does God do about this?  He sent his Son who died for our sins and was resurrected so that we can have life.  That doesn't excuse our choices when they are not what God has ordained.  Because we are called to be a Christian community and have one another's back, we need to say something when we see or hear something out of line with God's Word.  This is not judging with a condemnatory mindset.  This is judging in a loving and discerning way that is meant to help steer the Christian in the narrow way.  This is also called sanctification.  We cannot be sanctified if we excuse away our thoughts, deeds and words that are against God's commands.  So, when you or I are accused of being a hypocrite, we are.  However, this doesn't disqualify us from discerning right from wrong for others as well as ourselves.  The current attitude of the world is to make laws excusing sin in order to have people feel more comfortable in their sin.  Opps!  I just judged!  No, I discerned this act as contrary to what the Word of God says.  When we allow sin to destroy the body, we are participating.  We are required by God to go to our brother/sister who has sinned and plead with them to turn back to God.  In this way, if they turn back to God, we save them from the judgment of God.
     We have judgments we make every day.  What we are going to do.  What we are going to say.  What we are going to think.  However, are they pure and from God or governed by a system manufactured by mankind?  Do we stand firm with God so that we are in obedient to him and above judgment?  That's what many Christians do.  As a result their witness is validated even though the world hates them.  Satan doesn't bother those who do nothing for God.  He doesn't have to because we are doing his job for him.  It's his lie that has taken the Christian to the point of looking the other way, winking at or ignoring sin that eats away at the Christian standard.  The standard has not changed over the centuries.  The decision of mankind has.  What are you and I to do?  Obey.  When we are right with God all else falls into place.  The world will hate you, persecute you and say all kinds of evil things about you.  Who cares!  God is the one who will judge you.  Mankind's judgment is temporary and results in woes here on earth.  God's judgment is forever.  Eternity with God is a goal very much worth choosing.  You choose.

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