Friday, April 1, 2016

Happy Atheist Day!

     Yes, it's your day!  If you don't believe and always wanted a holiday of your own; here it is!  Go out and celebrate believing in nothing!  That's the spirit!  Wait, you don't have a spirit.  Hmmm...  dilemma.  Well, what is the need for an atheist holiday?  Equal time, equal acknowledgement, equal celebrations or...?  At least the atheist believes in something...themselves.  What and were is the hope in that?  Everyone believes in something even if it's themselves.  Thus they become their own god.  That's what we do when we decide what we want to do with our lives or the lives of others.  It's a control thing.  When someone kills another or takes their own life they are exercising the ultimate god characteristic of having the power to take life away.  The inclination of the human heart is to seek the control that the serpent offered in the garden.  "Surely you won't die?"  "You will have the knowledge of God."  And the fishing trip was over and the fruit eaten.  Every man, woman and child has forever been changed by that one moment in time.  So, whether or not you believe in God, you can celebrate April Fool's Day today! 
     The Scripture tells us that "the fool says in his heart there is no God."  How do we say that?  Do we take the stance that there is no God?  Do we simply not believe that God is who he said he is?  Do we negate the work of Christ on the cross and rising from the dead?  How is it we tell God he doesn't exist?  I don't believe this is relegated to the non-believer.  I believe that all of us think, say and do things that tell the world there is no God.  I've done it.  You've done it.  We all have done it.  The question is whether we want the God to know we believe in Him or not.  Do you?  Again, Scripture tells us what we need to do.  We need to believe on the Lord Jesus and be saved.  Then what?  We need to "forth into all the world and make disciples of men."  To whom?  Disciples to Christ.  Then what?  We need to take care of the orphan and the widow, give away everything we have and live for Christ.  Opps!  Steve, you went to far there.  Back to Happy Atheist Day. 
     The cost of believing is nothing and everything.  Prior to believing the cost was everything.  Why?  Because we hold tightly all that we think we possess.  We refuse to let go of that which we think  we can handle very well on our own.  Thank you!  Then we interpret the Scripture as it pertains to others and not to ourselves.  Thomas Jefferson went so far as to cut out the portions of Scripture that offended him.  Happy Atheist Day Thomas!  The act of believing involves trusting that God knows what he is doing.  Do we really believe that or do we become the god of our world and decide that which belongs to God alone?  I can't make the sun shine.  I can't make the night turn to day.  Nor can I make the day turn to night.  There is no way I can handle all of my problems much less the problems of the human race.  It's simply something that is left for the wisdom and action of God.  The cost of believing after giving your life to Christ is nothing.  Why?  Because you have already chosen to believe.  IF we truly give our lives to Christ, we give him ALL of our life.  Not just what we don't care if He controls.  We give ALL because he gave ALL. 
     The Scripture tells us that (Paul writing) that our lives are to be lived as one who has died and Christ has risen in him/her.  No part out salvation.  It's the soul that is saved.  We who believe are challenged every day to be the god of our own world.  What we drive, how we dress, with whom we associate, what we do, what we say, all are part of our deciding if we are god of our life or not.  I'm not saying we need to go all anal retentive.  I'm saying that when we abandon the old man, the new man is a reflection of God and not me.  What do we reflect to the world around us?  Do they see my faith as an example of the atheist world or the Christian world?  Words like "I", "me", "I'm" are often indicators of what we really believe.  There is no "I" in God and if I am in God then "I" no longer exists.  Today I choose to not celebrate World Atheist day.  Today I choose to celebrate Jesus.  It's my choice.  It's your choice.  It's for eternity.  You choose wisely!

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