Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Thermoneuclear war and what it means to Christians.

     While serving in the US Army I took a class in Nuclear and Biological War.  I know that's probably not the most interesting or Christian topic.  But, it's relevant to today.  The class text told me that if someone dropped a 1 mega ton nuclear warhead in the center of the city where you live the following would happen.  For the first 50 miles out in all directions there would be total destruction of everything.  No building, nothing living, no vegetation and even the cockroaches would be destroyed.  Guess that's one way to get rid of them.  In the next 50 mile ring (so 100 miles out from center) there would again be nothing living with exception at the 100 mile fringe where there would be some parasites, maybe the cockroaches and such.  All other living matter would be annihilated.  No people, no animals, no buildings, no vegetation.  Get the picture.  Then at 150 miles out from ground zero there would be some signs of life in all forms (except people) and some signs that all wasn't gone.  THEN that area would be thrust into a "nuclear winter" for the next 10,000 years.  Quite the dismal picture.  Here is the real problem though.  I just talked about a class I took in the 1980's and used a 1 mega ton nuclear warhead.  The smallest nuclear warhead used then was a 500 mega ton nuclear warhead.  Five hundred times the destruction and distance of destruction.  Gather your thoughts now.  It's not a pretty picture but it's true.  Even if you made it to a bomb shelter, you would die there.  The radiation left over would kill you otherwise.
     Since the world has stockpiled enough warheads to destroy the total earth about 100 times over, we can see how crazy this has become.  So much fear and desire for power that we have leaders who are crazy enough to push that button.  As a Christian, what are we to do?  We can protest, write letters, stockpile survival gear and food, and all sorts of things to try and survive.  We can pray for our nation, our leaders, the world and it's leaders and place ourselves at the mercy of God.  We can panic and move to central Montana (they have the bombs there as well).  We can pray.  That's probably the only three words written today that make any sense.  While people go about their daily business the button waits to be pushed.  I can convince you of all of this and you can go online and verify the information presented.  Yet, people don't want to see what the wanton disregard for human life has done to them.  We don't hear of churches, denominations, or other religious groups demonstrating against nuclear war.  We don't see the churches demonstrating against much anymore.  Why is that?  Have we become so desensitized that we don't even care or do we really have our heads in the sand?
     Imagine, if you will, that the President of the United States has just announced that the President of North Korea (or any other country) has just launched a nuclear missile set to land in San Francisco, California.  The President says they are doing everything they can to intercept that missile.  Even if the missile is intercepted and exploded in the atmosphere there will be ramifications felt for 10,000 years.  The radiation would drift around the globe and settle wherever the winds take them.  Keep in mind that there was only one launched while in reality there will be many.  Yet, even with this heightened awareness TODAY the Christian sits on their pews and homes and do nothing to help the perishing.  The existence of hell and it's eternal flames and torment are way worse than thermonuclear war and yet we don't care if people go to hell.  We are told to gather for potlucks and donate money for the ministry.  When will we be told that people who we love are going to hell and be eternally punished because you and I pushed the button rather than talked with them about Jesus.  You and I are more powerful in Christ than any bomb in the world.  It's all about choice.  You can choose what you may.  Just understand that it has the 50, 100 and 150 circle effect.  You choose whether the ripple is good or bad.  It's always our choice.  What will you choose?

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