Thursday, April 21, 2016

Hidden agendas and subtle schemes! Oh my!

     Ever wonder why people end up with who they end up?  Many fall in "love" when it's really more like falling in "lust".  Love may be there but it's not necessarily the primary agenda and motive.  More than one woman or man has been subtle in seducing their mate in order to get the ring on the finger or the body into a bed.  There was a superior court case years ago in Washington state where a citizen took a politician to court for providing false information and promises (he lied).  The citizen lost the battle when the judge declared that there is not expectation on the public for the politician to tell the truth.  Legally sanctifying every politician to lie all the more.  We just passed tax season.  It's a time where we are to give an accounting of our income so that we can pay our proportionate taxes used to support the various government programs.   Many did not tell the truth, told a little of the truth and justified the lack of truth with various rationalizations.  They lied.  Why?  Because they wanted a little bit more back from the taxes they paid all year long.  Church giving is often an area of abuse because cash gifts have no receipt or proof of having been given.  Thus people guesstimate a bit on the upper side.  Yep, lying again.  What are the Christian's hidden agendas and subtle schemes? I've just pointed out three.  You see, when we start talking about hidden agendas it's always about the unbeliever and the other person.  We don't look at what we've done and not done that is our hidden agenda and subtle scheme.  Honesty and righteousness are cast to the side of the road when we involve ourselves in these practices.  Instead of God being served, the devil has his way and the Christian is discredited when they are found out.  We always get found out.
     Often the key words that are addressed are "want" versus "need".  The less I have the more I want and the more I have the more I want.  That's what is happening in reality.  When we enter into that frame of mind, Christians cast aside the primary message of the Gospel.  Jesus died for our need to be saved from hell.  That is the primary message of the Gospel.  Yet, many Christians treat their faith as something they have somehow acquired by another means.  We cannot be good or even great people and enter the kingdom of God unless we have humbly accepted the grace offered through the work of God on our behalf.  The Scripture is clear that we cannot serve two masters.  If we do we will love the one and hate the other.  Two choices.  If we love Jesus as our master our needs, we are told, will be not only met but met before we ask.  If we love the world as our master our needs, we are told, will not be met by God.  The Christian plays with these two concepts to their own peril.  As long at there are hidden agendas and subtle schemes in the Christians life, their salvation is questioned and even doubted.  I don't know about you but over my lifetime as a Christian I've given not only God but many others all the evidence they need to question my Christian faith.  All because of my wants that were not the desire of God.  I served the world and regret that in my past.  Hopefully, I've learned a bit about that and changed.  What about you?  Where are you in your Christian life?  Do you cater to hidden agendas and subtle schemes?
     Here is some ways in which you and I can check out our agendas and schemes.  First, admit that nothing is hidden from God, nor are our thoughts and actions subtle to Him.  We are visible to the invisible God.  He doesn't lord it over us like Big Brother but he is aware.  He knows our comings and goings from before the day he created us in our mother's womb.  He knows what I will think, say and do for eternity.  If that isn't a wake up call for us then what is?  He created us and loves us.  He wants our needs to be met and some of our wants.  If we are honest with Him and ourselves we will see whether we really have love for God and have a debt of gratitude for his dying and resurrecting so that we can be resurrected.  You can do practically anything you want in the world including criminal and philanthropic.  Why would you if it offended someone you love because they first loved you?  Secondly, we need to admit that we have fallen short of the glory of God and sinned against him whenever we sin in any form.  Lie to your boss?  It's a sin against God.  Cheat on your spouse?  It's a sin against God.  When we sin against God, according to Romans 13, we choose the negative consequence of our sin.  Conversely, when we stay away from sin we not only enter into the presence of God who loves us, but we also are blessed "so much that we cannot contain them." 
     I don't know about you but this is a struggle for me at times in my life.  Most often when I'm feeling lonely, angry or am hungry.  Giving these three over to God is difficult.  When I'm successful in doing so all I have left is the peace of God that "passes all understanding."  It's my choice.

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