Sunday, April 3, 2016

Interesting theory, but it won't work.

     I can't even count the number of times I've decided to do something that I was sure would work and then it didn't.  The same goes for some of the ways I've thought about thing and how they should work and then they didn't.  Then people came along in my life and I thought they would work as well.  Nope.  They didn't work either.  I began to wonder if it was me, my ideas, or something other than me that was breeding these failures.  No answer comes easy to questions like that.  Theories are ideas people have of what they think something should be like, should work, and should be.  Just thinking it doesn't make it so.  Some of the biggest theories that worked shouldn't have.  Some of the smallest theories that didn't works should have.  The same goes for people.  Some groups of people should be able to be trusted and should work out.  Some don't.  What do all of these examples have in common?  They all require a degree of trust and vulnerability on our part.  We, the person in the midst of the theory need to have trust.  Trust in ourselves and the theory.  Trust in the process and the results.  Trust in the people who interact with the theory.
     When I was on a house hunting venture a couple of years ago the truth came out of what I was looking for.  Sometimes we have to look at quite a few theoretically "right" houses to find out what is wrong.  Then when the one that is to be comes along, we are excited over the "one".  The same goes for cars, clothing, food, and people.  People?  Yes, we need to realize that people are theories as well.  You can't tell a book by the cover (unless it's the Bible) or people by what you initially see.  For instance, I like to wear bib overalls.  I call them a man's Mumu.  Loose fitting, relaxed, and lots of pockets for stuff.  Man's Mumu!  Now when I go to an appointment I sometimes wear my Mumu.  People in the grocery store are curious but do not mind.  Going into a psychiatrist's office is quite another thing.  Shopping for high end cars?  Not so much.  Looking at a used truck with dirt in the bed is a sure bet.  What we are doing is seeing people, their environment, and actions in light of OUR theory and not theirs.  People seeing me in my Mumu are less likely to take my comments about a house, car, personal problems seriously if I'm wearing my man's Mumu.  They can't see past the outside to weigh in on the inside.  The theory is that we should reflect to the world what is on the inside and look for what's on the inside of others in our world. 
     In theory I am a person who represents hard work, thoughtfulness and am amiable.  In theory I am a Christian who represents the saving grace of Jesus Christ.  In theory so are you who claim Jesus as your savior.  In reality there is only one who can judge whether the theory is true or not.  In the end He will do just that.  Right now we are subject to the theories of others.  There are religious groups that believe if you are baptized as an infant you are saved.  That theory is not Biblical and is untrue.  There are groups out there that believe that you need to speak in tongues and be baptized by the Holy Spirit to be saved.  That theory is not Biblical and is untrue.  There are groups out there who believe you need to confess your sins to a religious authority and do a repetitious prayer for forgiveness.  That theory is not Biblical and is untrue.  You see, there are lots of things mankind has thought up, said or even done that are theories that are not true, provable but mankind has been willing to take a bet they were true.  You may have a theory that Heaven is and hell isn't.  Your theory per the Bible would make you only half right.  There is the theory by some groups that your dead relatives can be saved if you are baptized for them.  Guess what?!  That isn't Biblical and untrue as well. 
      The Bible tells us to not build our lives on theories.  We are to hold fast to the truth that God has given us.  He said we would have all of our needs taken care of.  He said nothing about giving us all of our wants.  Those who preach the prosperity gospel are preaching a theory straight from the pit of hell.,  The Bible tells us that we can stand on the solid rock, Jesus.  He is the chief cornerstone for a building that is impenetrable.  As a result the fact is we will live eternally with Him in Heaven.  Not a theory.  There is the theory that everyone can co-exist within different religions.  Not true.  The fact is there is ONE God and one mediator, Jesus Christ, by whose name we must be saved.  One way.  Not a theory...a fact.  I have a theory just about every day and embark on how to prove that it's true.  I've killed a few plants that way.  There have been miscalculations in the structures I have built and I've been lost in more cities than I want to admit.  All because of faulty theories that have been brought to my mind.  One area of my life not built on theory is the love of God that saved me while I was yet a sinner.  That is a fact.  You can choose to believe in theories that will get you nowhere or you can choose to believe in fact that will save your soul.  You decide.  It's your choice.  That is not a theory.

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