Sunday, April 10, 2016

Does this make me look Christian?

    Are we looking good as Christians?  Do we wear the right clothes, drive the right cars, have the right home, eat the right food, exercise the right way, hang out with the right people, and say the right things?  Do we really wear our Christianity as well as we do the above?  We shouldn't.  We should do better.  The Bible tells us to "put on Christ" and be him to the world.  It doesn't say do and be the "right" thing in other's eyes.  Yet, sadly, that's what we tend to do.  My new neighbor moved in this weekend.  I had been doing some "dirty" work in my bib overalls and baseball cap.  I put down my string trimmer and went over to say hi.  It wasn't until I went back to work that I began to think of how my neighbor saw me.  Since he was in the midst of moving I'm guessing he didn't pay particular attention to detail.  Not that it should matter.  Yet, when his wife and kids show up what will he tell them about the neighbor next door.  I'm hoping that my friendly manner and welcoming attitude will win out.  It's my desire to put my best foot forward with people.  My offer to shake his hand, inquire about him generally, and offer any help I can should make an impression.  I'm sure he wasn't impressed with anything other than he wanted to get back to work unloading the rental truck.  He did mention he had many loads to go.  So, part of what he saw me do and be was available but not in his face.  I went back to work and so did he. 
     Just what is it that people see in us that they want to know us and be known by us?  Is there some strange magic that takes place or a "vibe" that tells them that despite how we look they can still talk with us and feel safe?  My neighbor lives about 200 feet away from me.  Yet, there are others who come within our realm of influence that also make assessments of who we are, who we represent and how safe we are.  Jesus told us to be servants and to be wise in our interactions with people of the world.  Simply put, we need to use some common sense to make people hungry for what we have.  There is a need everywhere to be "fishers of men" and to troll for Jesus.  If you have ever fished, you know that the fish are in control.  I've seen fish swim around my bait just because they aren't interested.  How much more the men, women and children of our environment?  I didn't go to meet my neighbor for any other reason than to welcome he and his family and to let them know that I'm not going to borrow their lawn mower right off.  I wasn't going to ask him for a ride or any other thing that was a perceived need of mine.  I went to introduce some civility and respect with friendship being the base element desired.  I didn't offer and he didn't ask for anything further.  Was I clothed in what Jesus wanted him to see?  I think so.
      Sometimes we cloth ourselves in such a manner that all people see is an impenetrable fortress.  Stay away or be shot!  Not exactly a good reflection.  When I spot Mormon's on bicycles I don't run away.  When the JW's knock on my door I don't ignore them.  Why?  Because they are not and cannot be a threat to the living God who lives in me.  With being clothes in Christ we present him and not ourselves.  Yet, there are Christians who are not clothed in Christ.  Yes, I said Christians who are not clothed in Christ.  We can call ourselves Christian, make a commitment to Christ and then proceed to do nothing with our faith.  To do this we simply do nothing, say nothing and put on our invisible suit so people won't see, won't have expectations, and won't ask us anything remotely associated to that hope that is supposed to be in us.  What happens is the Christian who does this is no earthly good for Jesus to use.  What happens is missed opportunities for Christ to use us to fish for men.  What happens is our neighbors, friends and relatives face a potential eternity in hell because we chose to not clothe ourselves with Jesus. 
     I am NOT perfect.  I do not always clothe myself with Christ.  I'm not always sociable.  I sometimes am so self centered that I cannot see the need of others or the very thing God wants me to do.  I would imagine that you fall into that same boat where fish aren't being caught.  What we do in the day that God has given us is a choice.  I can either clothe myself with Jesus and serve his purpose wherever I am, whomever I am with and whatever I am doing or I can choose not to.  It's my choice and it's your choice.

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