Saturday, September 12, 2015

What did people do before coffee?

     There is no mention of coffee in the Bible.  Coffee beans seem to have escaped the invention of man until later in our story.  I don't know what I would do without coffee.  Well, actually I do know what would happen.  First, there would be 3-5 days of headaches as I went through withdrawal.  This would be in conjunction with a depressed and agitated mood as well as heightened snapping and sarcasm.  When I was finally free of coffee and it's effects there would remain lethargy and a sense of what's the use.  So, now on my second 2 cup cup of coffee I'm ready to confront the day.  It's not that coffee lends any special insight into what I write.  That's because the insight comes from God (most of the time).  Nor does coffee hold magical powers that allow me to solve the worlds problems.  Coffee is more powerful than that.  Coffee binds friends and family together.  Strangers can talk as long as they have a cup of coffee in front of themselves.  Coffee...ahaaaa...blessed coffee!
     Not even chocolate holds such great sway in our lives.  Activities don't even begin until we have one or two cups and a potty break.  Why would they invent thermos' if they didn't think coffee was important?  See what I mean?  Coffee has established itself as an icon of sorts through which so much of life moves and has it's being.  Let's not even get started on the coffee drinks, coffee cake, and coffee cookies!   Cutting to the chase, coffee is the perfect metaphor of the Christian life.  Those who are truly saved cannot live a day without Christ as their center.  Those who truly know Jesus cannot bear to not be involved with other Christians.  Those who have a saving faith in Christ have something that they can offer to other believers and non-believers alike.  Christ isn't coffee...He's much better.  Can you tell me what Bible study would be complete without Christ?  How about a potluck that Christ hasn't been asked to bless?  Perhaps a hospital visit to a member without the mention of faith and prayer? 
     Gas stations have advertisement stating a free coffee without every fill-up.  Christians have a promise that if you worship Jesus that every day you wake you will be renewed by the Holy Spirit.  Restaurants offer free refills of coffee and there always seems to be more than one pot brewing.  My Christian friends have their problems just like me.  However, they have time to take and refresh my spirit through our fellowship.  In cold weather nothing heats up the insides better than some fresh hot coffee.  Going to work in the non-Christian world is sometimes ugly and challenging.  Being able to text, call or email another Christian lets all of us feel like we are not alone.  There are so many examples of the importance of coffee, tuna casserole, ice cream and bread in our lives that we talk about these things on a regular basis.  And, there are so many events going on in the world that we would be neglecting the message of the Gospel to NOT talk about them with our fellow Christian.  Our ends depends on our beginnings. 
     Today, tomorrow or the day after; when you have your mug of coffee in your hands remember that Christ has you in His hands in the same fashion.  I need to finish my coffee.  See you tomorrow.

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