Sunday, September 13, 2015

A coyote in my back yard.

     Several months ago I saw this rather large coyote in my back yard.  He was running between the trees on the edge of the property.  I was a bit surprised but took it in stride.  Then about 2 months ago I looked out the kitchen window and there at the end of the property was the coyote again.  This time he was laying in the grass about 300 feet from the house staring at me.  He stayed there off and on for a full day.  It was then that I named him Bill (I hope he's a guy!).  Bill has become a sporadic guest and doesn't seem to have much fear.  I'm certain that he  has been around people for some time.  Last night Bill was back and he was talking!  He did his best at howling and yipping and yapping.  It was dark so I couldn't see him.  Hearing him caused me to wonder what he was talking about.  I don't have chickens or any other small animals so he certainly wasn't looking for food.  Unless he eats apples.  Since I don't speak coyote and he doesn't speak English we left it as entertainment.  This morning he is no where to be seen having come for the visit and left like before. 
     Sometimes when I'm reading the Bible I read about this or that person and their travels.  Paul is probably the most well known New Testament traveler.  Paul visited so many areas and began so many churches that it makes my head spin.  In the process Paul was beaten, run out of town, stoned, and ultimately arrested and taken to Rome.  Paul went back to check on churches and individuals and had others do so for him as well.  If Paul was here today he would be very connected on the computer and be video conferencing every waking moment.  Some of my relationships operate in the same way.  We are in and out of communication sometimes for days and sometimes for years.  Regardless, like Paul, we are connected in such a way that when we do get together it's like we never were apart.  David and Jonathan in the Old Testament were this way.  I'm guessing this pattern of being present in the spirit but absent in the flesh came about this way.  I grew up on a farm 12 miles outside of the small town and school that I attended.  Come the end of May every year school would let out and everyone knew that we wouldn't see our classmates (at least most of them) again until September when school started up again.  So friendships would "pause" but the relationships wouldn't. 
     Like Bill, Paul and some of our friends today we struggle to find and hold onto good friends that reflect ourselves, our beliefs and our dreams.  Sometimes our lives change and we go our separate ways even though we do have much in common.  Sometimes we don't have any choice in whether someone stays in our lives or not.  Bill is gone this morning.  He won't be back for a few weeks at least.  He has other people in his territory to be checking on.  So it is with us.  We do this in a positive and negative context every week of our life.  We go to church but forget about church during the week.  We may attend Wednesday evening or be in a home group in between that keeps us anchored in the life of the body of Christ.  We go on vacations, family reunions and sporting events or concerts that take us away from where we are rooted.  BUT...we return.  We may be changed, having made choices in our lives.  Our Christianity may be more relevant, renewed, or revisited.  The importance of our associations may increase or decrease as a result of choices we have made in the interim.  BUT...we return.  The "spirit" of the relationship remains.  The key element that connects us to each other is still there.  Resilient relationships grow and change and morph into what God wants when God's people move to his Holy Spirit.
     Bill will be back. 

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