Tuesday, September 22, 2015

The point is...

     Mediocre is not an acceptable attribute of a Christian.  We don't settle for mediocre in others and they shouldn't settle for mediocre from us.  Yet, that's what pretty much all of us do day in and day out.  We deliver mediocre.  Whether it's the time with God, family, friends or work; we don't or won't go outside of our comfort zone.  We refuse to make a "real" commitment that means focus on something other than our own needs and wants.  "If we know what is right to do and we don't do it we sin." James 4:17.  With our world in a mess (it's not going to get better), our relationships failing, and dedication to anything on the decline, why give up?  Why do we become so insensitive and so disconnected that we no longer have passion?  We no longer care...at least to the point where many of us don't make a difference.  I've been and sometimes am one of "them".  I apologize.  I'm one of "us".  That doesn't excuse me and certainly doesn't excuse anyone.
     Mediocrity is a fatal disease that has infected all of mankind. I wish it weren't so but wish in one hand and want in the other doesn't change the fact of the matter.  Where does this mediocrity come from?  It's not something you buy at a coffee shack along with your morning mocha.  Nor is it something you get online after seeing an ad during half-time of the football game.  We don't find mediocrity on the shelf at the store or pick up a pack of mediocrity at the local AM/PM.  We get mediocrity from the strangest of places.  Our mediocrity comes from our grandparents and their parents.  We get it from our mom, dad, siblings and neighbors.  We get mediocrity from our schools and from our sports teams  Mediocrity is everywhere and infecting every part of our every day.  So, you may ask, what's wrong with mediocrity.  Especially if everyone is "doing it."
     Jesus tells the parable of the manager who needed to go to a conference in Toledo for a couple of months.  He calls in his three top people and hands them 3 envelopes with $10,000 cash in each of them.  He tells them that this is a test of their managerial ability.  They are to invest and return the profit on their investment upon his return.  The first one returns $30,000 and is rewarded with the boss giving him the $20,000 difference.  The second one returns $20,000 and is rewarded with the boss giving him the difference of $10,000.  The third one returns the $10,000 saying he was fearful and didn't do anything BUT did return the $10,000 to the boss.  The boss takes the money back and fires the manager for NOT DOING ANYTHING BECAUSE OF FEAR.  I'm trying to make a point here.
     Jesus also tells a parable of a car salesman who discovered that there was a used car missing from his car lot.  The salesman leaves the locked cars in the lot and goes searching for the stray.  When he finds the stray car he is overjoyed and returns the car to the lot.  He calls his boss and they meet at the local pizza place over a beer to celebrate the return of the wayward car.  His boss asks him why he closed early to go look for a "car"?  The man says he did so that he could keep anything from happening to the car.  He valued the car and knew his boss would as well.  The boss is impressed and buys the pizza.  The salesman practiced DUE DILIGENCE in leaving the many to find the one.  I'm trying to make a point here.  Fear keeps us from doing that which we know we are to be doing.  Today make a different choice than fear.

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