Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Statistics don't lie..or do they?

     I read today that 30% of all medical students have a mental illness or disorder.  Think about that the next time someone is giving you a script for drugs or putting you under for surgery.  So, if we played with statistics and said that 50% of all medical students were Christian; then 15% of them would have a mental illness or disorder.  Now take those statistics and overlay them on policemen, nurses, firemen, and everyone else except lawyers.  We know they are 100% mentally ill or disordered.  In this day and age of rapid educations via the internet anyone can be a mental health professional in less than 20 minutes.  Maybe not an expert but certainly someone who now has a deadly piece of information.  A simple question of "You look sad today?" can turn into the beating your father gave you, the first wife who took your children, the second wife who scorned you from making love and who knows what else.  In the end you are left on the step your head in hands weeping because you have been made to think that you are worthless.  Sound familiar?  I'll keep this in the context of Christian actions and beliefs in order to not go down too many rabbit trails.
     The year is 2015.  Today.  There are still Christians out there who believe that mental health issues are still a result of sin, demon possession, and defiance of God resulting in the punishment.  THEN there are those Christians out there who use the mental health issues as excuses for their lack of responsibility in their lives, their weak wills and personal failures.  Sound familiar?  It should because it's preached from most of the pulpits of the Protestant and Catholic persuasion.  Let's go back in time to the year 1 BC.  The day would be day 1 and the hour would be hour 1.  The situation is set in the Garden and Eve is being tempted by Satan.  Up to this point she is perfect as is Adam being created by God in his own image.  There are no mental health issues but not for long.  Eve says, "That apple is just what I have wanted."  The rest is history.  I know, no one knows what the fruit was.  Give me a break.  The mental health issues that surfaced is in the 5th word of the sentence. "I"  The moment I entered the human race there no longer was the perfect nature of God residing in mankind.  Adam said, "Well, I suppose..." and here we are.
     When I see clouds coming from the southwest there is a chance of rain.  When I see a pastor say, "I think..." I see the beginning of problems.  In the Christian world it should never be what I think but rather what God thinks.  He says we are just one step away from being perfect in his sight.  That would be abandoning the life we have been living and surrendering to Jesus our ENTIRE life.  Wow!  Great concept!  There are signs that people aren't right with God.  I've perfected most of them from time to time in my life.  Bottom line is they all begin with "I".  Mental health has been divided into two sections.  The first section is "diseases" and the second section is "disorders."  Like sin, diseases are forever.  They can be treated but cannot be cured.  Like sin, disorders are forever but can be treated and cured.  Confused?  The Bible says that "If we know what is right to do and do not do it, we sin." James 4:17.  The Bible lays out what is "right and wrong."  So what is the problem?  The problem is "I" do or don't do whatever is right in the eyes of God. 
     Some of the most condemnatory people I have ever met are alleged Christians in the Christian church professing to be Christian.  The old adage that "Christians are the only army in the world that shoot their wounded." is so true!  What is the matter with us?  The body of believers are sometimes anything but.  Jesus approached those we shun because of mental health issues.  Circumstances of the time during conception to birth affect the overall mental health of the child.  The way in which the child's needs and wants are met during the formative years affect the mental health of the child.  The approval and disapproval of peers and society adds to the fire that burns within each and every one of us.  For some all or some of these factors (there are lots more) bring about changes in our body chemistry and or thinking patterns that result in the label of mental illness or mental disorder (much like the label of sinner).  So, instead of choosing to make our lemons into lemonade, we point out the lemons, limes, and whatever else that is different from us and those who are different MUST have a mental illness or disorder!
     Depression is a result of natural and unnatural occurrences in our mind and body resulting in less than God intended.  The same is true for mental health issues across the board.  We do have choices we can make in spite of the hand we've been dealt through life.  For instance, I have Complex PTSD resulting in depression, panic issues, some paranoia and social phobia.  I take medicine for them as well as have had years of therapy.  I also have ADHD and it's simply a complex problem not easily treated by drugs but can be disciplined by choice.  I've attempted suicide twice.  Thought about disappearing from society many times.  Longed to go home to be with Jesus and leave this all behind.  None of those make me any less God's child and a Christian who loves Jesus.  NONE OF IT!  Part and parcel is YOUR understanding and YOUR forgiveness and grace MIRRORED by what Jesus does for me.  I'm no less nor no more disposable than you.  Mental health issues are here to stay until Jesus returns.  Let's make the best of the situation and show Jesus to others.


  1. Hey dad, I think this is really amazing thank you for posting it and sharing your opinion.

  2. One year ago (almost) I addressed the mental health issue with Christians. It bears repeating.
