Thursday, September 17, 2015

The cruise ship of life

     Ever been on a cruise?  I have.  Enjoyed the time immensely.  Yet, being out in the water with no land in sight was a bit unnerving.  I don't know how long I could tread water but knew that I could probably sink with no problem!  The cruise was a chance in a lifetime to visit places outside of my normal day to day living.  Having read all the warnings about this and that, making sure that I could come and go from the ship and keeping my shots up to date, I decided to enjoy the cruise and put my cares and worries aside.  I'm a people watcher and what a place to watch!  You could tell those who were nervous as they walked onto the ship.  There were those who arrived in party mode and we knew where they would be spending their time.  The curious, the excited and those on their honeymoon all came aboard.  With 4000 passengers on board we launched into the vast sea.  I was on deck when we shoved off and then again that night.  Looking out over the water (endless) and seeing the stars (all of them) was amazing.  God's creation spread out before me to just enjoy!
     Noah had been in the business of doing what God told him to do.  He was living on dry land and was building a cruise ship for animals and his family.  I remember in my earlier years being told that my desire to take a cruise was nonsense.  "That's for rich people."  Yet, here I was.  Noah was castigated by those living around him.  I'm sure the constant construction and blocked view had his neighbors in a fit.  This building took a long time.  Yet, Noah pushed on because the Lord was with him.  I can't imagine how much wood was piled up in his driveway.  He didn't have cranes, air guns and the like.  His sawing of each piece of lumber was his daily labor.  The Bible doesn't say he had any help but I'm guessing he had his sons, his wife and their wives.  Yet, this ship was huge!  Eventually the neighbors and the community had the novelty wear off and left him alone.  Some, a few, still heckled him and the project.  Noah did what God told him to do.
     We are all on cruise ships.  It's called life.  Some enter the ship each day with a renewed sense of excitement.  Some enter the ship each day with a renewed sense of dread.  Of course there are those on the spectrum anywhere in-between the two.  Today you will have entered the cruise ship of your life.  Will it be a fun day?  Will it be an incredible day of discovery of yourself, God and your world?  Will the day result in growth or will you come home the same way you left?  It's up to you.  You are in charge of your cruise ship of life.  You determine what it looks like in spite of what people say.  There may be ridicule of your faith, your job, your family, your church and many other areas.  Will you let the ridicule come aboard your ship?  Or will you keep a check on whom you let into you cruise ship?  You are in charge until you relinquish that control to God.  Keep your cruise in his hands and enjoy the trip.  The moon and stars were incredible!

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