Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Sometimes I still act stupid.

     Peter: "I'll never deny you even if they kill me."  Steve: "I'll never deny Jesus."  Reality: We both did what we didn't think we would ever do.  Sometimes I still act stupid.  That's what it must be because I don't seem to learn my lesson very well.  But, I know that you in your life have arrived and don't do this anymore.  Right?  I mean, the papers/television/web are all loaded with the exposed faults and decisions of believers and non-believers alike acting out or doing stupid things.  Here we sit, sitting ducks at a county fair, ready for anyone and everyone to take pot shots at.  I admit that it is my decision to do stupid things that foster comments, judgements and even applaud for those decisions.  Some days the wind blows in my favor and some days the wind doesn't.  Be aware that the wind and change of it's directions are there and exercised whenever they will.  So, today, this topic is covered in this blog for all those out there who still do stupid stuff either by accident or choice.
     When Peter made his famous declaration we know from Scripture that it came after he was the only one of the disciples who also made the declaration that Jesus was the Messiah who had come to save a fallen world.  How can such a man with such an insightful statement make such a horrible choice and deny his Lord 3 times?  Many of us know the answer to that question.  Why?  Because we too have made that decision.  Our question to ourselves is not "Why?" but rather, "When will I learn my lesson and turn around like Peter did?"  That's the real issue for Peter and the real issue for you and I.  Are we prepared to make a stand without regard to what others may be thinking?  Remember that Peter was with the disciples when he made his Messiah statement and again was with them when he made his denial statement.  In both cases he meant with all his being what he was saying.  But where the flesh is weak...
     Does my love of sports overshadow my love of Jesus and his mission?  Does my love of exercise and looking good overshadow my love of Jesus and his mission?  Do I have excess while others have nothing?  Do I need the two cars, recreational vehicles, party destinations and other self indulgent things so much that they overshadow my love of Jesus and his mission?  IF I do, then I can't hear Jesus saying, "Feed my sheep."  Not once but three times Jesus says this to Peter/Steve and you.  If I can't hear Jesus saying anything then what is being said about my relationship with Him?  Can I quote the favorite song lyrics but not remember what a verse in the Bible says?  Are we so distracted by the world we live in that we are spiritually stupid?  Sometimes the angels in heaven must shake their heads and walk away when I make choices that I have made.
     YET, there is hope!  The fact that I'm here typing this blog means I am alive for yet another day and have yet another chance to face yet another set of circumstances where I can begin with a clean slate.  I can ask for the forgiveness of my sins and that's not stupid.  I can read the Bible and that's not stupid.  I can listen to the Holy Spirit and that's not stupid.  I can be more than a conqueror and that's not stupid.  AND worse case scenario I can go home to be with Jesus because he doesn't think of me as an action but as a child of his in his care.  I'm not stupid.  Neither are you.  We do stupid things and for this there is the grace of God waiting for all who desire.  Does my life reflect a love of Jesus so deep that through everything He remains?  Yes, and that's not stupid either.  It's more like most times I still act saved. 

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