Saturday, August 23, 2014

Zucchini and life's lessons

     I've wondered why the seed companies put so many seeds in a package of zucchini seeds.  Everyone knows that one plant will produce enough for the whole neighborhood and anyone else within striking distance.  So you open your package of seeds, look at your garden space and plant not one hill but two.  All the while thinking of all those wonderful food stuff that taste so good.  When they do appear above ground there are two and not one.  It's then you remember that you planted an extra seed "just in case."  So, you have not two but four plants growing and beginning to produce.  In the meantime your neighbors become scarce and a note proclaiming they don't want any zucchini is put on the door.  You end up with enough zucchini to feed a small nation.  Zucchinis don't need to have so many seeds in a package.  Oh well, there's always next year. 
     Christians act the same way.  There are a lot of seeds (people) for the small garden (our world) where we garden.  If you over water the seeds will not grow.  If you underwater the seeds will not grow.  Should you have a lot of weeds the seeds may not grow.  There are lots of reasons that our gardens fail.  We are all of the elements needed for the Gospel to grow and have a positive effect on others in our garden.  We become so focused on the end results that we don't pay attention to the small details needing to take place.  The planting of the seed may be our only job.  Likewise, the watering might be your only job.  Harvesting is the Lords job as Scripture clearly states. The harvesting is very important.  For any of you who have been "harvested" there may be words of advice on how the journey could have been more effective and fruitful.  Sometimes we will find ourselves in the planting, growing or harvesting without any intention on our part.  That's the way it is supposed to b.  God can and will give us the knowledge when it's needed.  Our part is to be ready with our seeds, water and prayers.
     The question for all of us zucchini plants is whether we are producing anything to be given away.  If you (or I) were a zucchini plant would there be any fruit to give away?  Would the fruit come at all?  If you are separate from other believers how will your seed be grown much less used in someone's life?  Sometimes (even often) we, like the paper delivery, throw our zucchini at the front door and keep on pedaling to the next target. When we get back home we tell ourselves "good job" and forget about the zucchini until tomorrow where we once again throw zucchini's at people with the hope that they catch and eat so that they can too become Christians just like us.  Our method of evangelizing our world is so flawed that it's incredible that God can use our lives at all to further the kingdom.  While it's true that God can work in spite of us, He is really hoping we can do more than throw the Gospel at people. 
     I like to plant all of the seeds.  I tell myself that I'll find a recipe to use or people to give the zucchini to.  Over the years I've run out of new recipe's.  I've also taken the hint and only planted two seeds in one mound of dirt.  That's it.  Only two seeds out of the thirty or so.  I save the seeds for next season where I plant 3 seeds because the seeds are older and less prone to germinate.  After the second planting I throw the remaining seeds away because they are "old" like me.  This year I planted two mounds of two seeds each and neither mound of seeds came up.  Nothing.  I was confused as I was using new seeds, the planting area was the same as last year, and water and sunlight were abundant.  What went wrong?  The seeds were planted deep enough that the birds wouldn't bother them.  There was adequate between them and other plants and the soil was rich.  There was nothing that I did wrong.  So, why didn't they sprout and grow?  I don't know.  The neighborhood is safe this year from the plentiful zucchini plants. 
     God knows when the time is right for everything that happens in our life and the lives of others with whom we have contact.  He knows when a person is ready to hear the Gospel.  He knows when the circumstances are ready like the soil the seed will be planted in.  He even knows the calendar for the best time to plant and harvest.  God even knows how much fruit (if any) will be harvested from each plant.  God tells us that we need only be ready to do our part when the time comes.  He knows about raising zucchini.  He knows his creation intimately.  The question becomes important in our lives.  How does God see you in this scenario?  Can God count on you doing your job?  Do you take any time to prepare for the seed, plant the seed, water the seed or harvest the crop?  Just what are you understanding your job to be? 

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