Wednesday, August 6, 2014

What a great day to start ___________.

     Starting something is good.  Starting lots of things drives you crazy!  If you have ADHD just multiple that by 10.  If you got out of bed on the wrong side this morning; go back to bed and try it again.  It's imperative that we have a good beginning to everything.  We have the choice of whether or not the day is a success.  All to often we look at the day from the outcome focus.  I can't afford to look at life that way.  So, I journal for yesterday.  I can see the day much better than when I am looking at tomorrow.  I don't know if anyone else does it this way or not.  It doesn't really matter in the larger scope of things.  The purpose for my choosing to do life this way is to help me maintain a positive attitude and environment.  I was once chastised once by a friend for being "too happy!" that my mood didn't seem reality based.
     I still catch myself in the "woulda, coulda, shoulda" moments.  We all have them.  They aren't very productive but do make for interesting observations and analysis.  More than likely we will take about 3 of these moments in order for us to make changes in our life.  Beginning to bring about changes in our thinking and doing is a good start.  My change of behavior should last a lifetime but not take a lifetime.  There are actually people out there who think my life needs change!  But who listens to them?  I know that other people are part of my environment and valuable for feedback.  However, their advice rarely kicks in on the first pass.  The real test is to check out our current behavior and ask ourselves if we are okay with our choices.
     Like most people I'm a first cousin to "must be talking about someone else."  Then his brother, "did you see" comes in and reminds you of someone else who is worse than you.  "Ask my friend _____." arrives just in time to have a character witness proclaim you sane and even "walks on water" approves.  You see, there are a lot of factors to overcome when starting something.  Defining whether it is a good thing or not begins the process.  "I'm not like that" throws out the examples of your most recent attempt at accomplishing this or that.  Bringing up the back is "this time it's different" as we see our ship sailing but also sinking.  Don't get me started on Murphy!
     People get stuck for any number of reasons.  You and I get stuck as well.  It's not a shame thing even though we react that way.  Hindsight is our best friend or worst enemy.  If all we do is look back, we will not be able to move forward no matter what we try or how hard we try.  All of our time is spent looking at what was and not what it could be like this time.  Sometimes we spend the time (unaware) making the event larger than life so that we can continue our life of failures.  That's what some people expect out of me and my life.  Sometimes they are right.  There seems to be an inside switch that gets turned on and the result is failure.  Being realistic is important for change.  The Bible exhorts us to pray and listen to God and what his desires are.  He has a plan and it's way better than mine!
     It will be difficult to believe but I have had successes in my life!  Yep, it's true!  Actually there are many successes in my life.  So, do I focus on the ones that are not successes?  I try not to.  But, there has to be some analysis of yesterday in order for today to be better.  The ramifications are limited to tomorrow but could affect the future down the road.  Part of the equation people don't focus on is the fragile life we live.  That life can be demanded of us a any time.  From baby to elderly people don't get a tomorrow.  Except for the grace of God, we too would have our lives ended here on earth.  God blesses us with TODAY.  Maybe we will have a tomorrow.  Maybe not.  We did have yesterday.  Did we listen to God for yesterday?  What convinces me that today I'll do better than yesterday? 
     What a great day to start listening and obeying God.  That's all we really need to do.  Listen and obey.  Take often in the day with a glass of water to nurture the dream like a sunflower towering over us.  Remember that we are not always involved in the finishing of a task.  Perhaps you were brought into someone's life to be an example of a Christian life.  Maybe one of my cousins suggested a means to accomplish a goal.  Then, of course, there is the Holy Spirit who works through you and I to help someone discover Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life.  That's what is really important to have as a starting place today.  Perhaps God is asking you to do something for him.  Do it.  Begin something and have a great day!

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