Tuesday, August 26, 2014

"Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!"

     I've always liked that phrase.  For those of you who remember Space Family Robinson you will get it.  For those of you who do not know about this old TV show, bring it up on your phone and watch a few moments of what the future looks like.  The phrase itself is meant in a self protection sense.  It's a warning to get away from immediate danger. Just what the danger is in our life doesn't really matter.  The computer was warning them.  That's it.  There was no forth coming plan on how to take care of the mission and find a way home.  That brings us up to date.  I don't have a robot to tell me when I'm near danger or in the middle of it.  Instead of a robot I have my Christian family and Jesus.  Both of which are grounded in the Word so generously given to me. 
     It would seem that my life was formed around danger.  Maybe yours was as well.  There are times when I live for the adrenaline rush!  Then there are times I wish the world would leave me alone.  I have had enough and want to relax now.  Alas, unlike Burger King, I cannot always have it my way.  What's a journey without some bumps in the road?  At least people can come to me knowing that I will most likely be able to associate with how they are doing or feeling.  My problems begin when I don't have someone who is able to enter into any particular situation in which I find myself.  That and no robot leave me questioning my sanity and well being.
     I've read and studied the Bible for most of my life.  It's been a fascinating read from so many different angles.  One of the angles I like to see Scripture from is a fulfilling of historical prophecies detailing what has happened with what is to happen.  It's been a modern robot much like the one belonging to Will Robinson.  The signs of the times lend me to believe that there is much danger in the world and this will only get worse.  Jeremiah was a prophet from the Old Testament.  He was called to be a prophet around the age of 13.  God told him to not take a wife and have a family as his life was going to be miserable.  Yet, Jeremiah took the position and did as the Lord told him regardless of the mission given. 
     There was one moment where Jeremiah disobeyed God openly.  God told him to not pray for the people any longer because they were without hope.  Jeremiah told God that he had to pray for the people.  Much like the robot, Jeremiah continued to give prophecies which were both damning and encouraging.
     We're more like the frog that is placed in a pan of water and the heat slowly being raised until the frog dies unaware of the danger because it's so subtle.  The world is going to hell around us and even those who lead the various churches are neglecting their duty to warn.  In fact, the warnings that they are to give, have turned into acceptance of the wrong.  Where guidelines and a definite right and wrong before them, they choose what is wrong more often than not.  Instead of having something to stand for, they are standing for nothing.  There is judgment coming and already here in some ways. Yet, there is no warning.
      History is full of cycles that are not good for any of mankind.  We, like the frog and the audience Jeremiah was speaking to, have chosen to be okay with this.  We actually expect our leaders to not lead.  At one time God told Jeremiah that the people had committed sins that God couldn't believe they would commit!  I see "coexist" bumper stickers and know that someone who put it there doesn't believe the Scripture.  Perhaps they don't know Jesus as well.  No warning will be recognized or believed to those who have not given their lives to Jesus.
     So, here we are.  What is going to happen today?  Which of the still unanswered prophecies will be fulfilled today?  Will there be wars and rumor of wars?  Yep.  Will there be wanton disregard for the Word of God?  Yep.  Will there be business catastrophes?  Yep.  Will there be warnings that go unheeded?  Yep.  Will Jesus take us believers home today?  I don't know.  What I do know is that I need to be prepared and continue to give the warnings.  "Danger, Will Robinson!  Danger!"

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