Friday, August 29, 2014

Ever have one of those days? Part Two

     I'm reminded of the movie Ground Hog Day.  The day is repeated until the subject finally "gets it" and can go on with his life.  This kind of cure doesn't work though as we can't "redo" our lives.  We can choose to make things better.  However, what happens today stays as part of our lives.  The repetitious became the boring for the Israelites as described in the story about them wandering in the desert because they had failed to learn.  So, God gave them and us the ten commandments as a tool to have right priorities and right relationships.  What happened next is classic.  The Israelites took 10 commands and took the law to where even the number of steps on the Sabbath were numbered (120).  We, have way more laws than we need even to this day.
     Just as the Israelites grumbled about their day and night and the unfairness of the day; we too do the same.  Thus the higher the chance of "one of those days" in our lives.  Rather than taking the initiative to choose change of the events of our lives, we would rather grumble about what we don't like and miss all that which we do like.  Just like our physical characteristics are passed on by the past generations, so are the grumblings.  Our kids grow up to be just like us!  Even that thought isn't enough for us to embrace our lives in such a way that our lives change.  He's just like his father.  She's just like her mother.  Both statements are usually (but not always) uttered in the negative sense.  What would happen if we let go of the negative and ONLY embraced that which was positive?
     Few people know or acknowledge this next statement.  When we give our lives to Christ we become adopted sons and daughters of God.  The old has passed away and the new life has come to us.  In reality the Christian should have life reflective of the life God wants us to live.  His intentions are unselfish and within reason.  He also says he will reward us for choosing to live positively.  That means we can have our cake and eat it too.  Yet, all of us have one of those days more than we should.  Perhaps it's easily addressed if we look at our lives.  Every day begins the same.  We get up.  Things tend to happen after we get up.  For me, waking up with a positive frame of mind lends encouragement that today will be good or even great!
     We don't like a negative day but seem to look for the negative more than the positive.  We carry on this tradition just like our previous generation did.  This is NOT inherited.  This is taught along with our free choice.  We don't need to live in the past.  We can choose our day.  What would happen if in one day all our focus was on loving God?  What would happen if we chose to not yell at anyone?  What would life be like with people only encountering the positive in our lives?  Would we, could we change our world as well as the world of others?  That would be great!  So, why don't we do that? 
     Negativity embraces separation of man from each other as well as with God while positivity embraces God as well as others.  We have the choice.  Every day begins the same way...we wake up.  What we do next as well as on through the day signifies our relationship with the world and/or our relationship with God.  While none of us can live positive lives, we can and should begin to allow changes into our lives.  So, while there is still daylight, do the positive.  Say the positive.  Live the positive?  First we would see changes for the good in our lives.  Secondly, we would see changes in the lives of others in our life. 
     So, what do we choose today?

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