Saturday, August 16, 2014

It's not my fault!

     Not always anyway!  Sometimes there are issues that come into our lives where we don't want them to.  Sometimes they have people attached to them.  I'm sure that I'm not alone with this issue.  When things are going right everyone is happy.  When that tide begins to turn, no one is happy.  I find myself becoming anxious and sometimes angry when it begins to look like I'm about to be the fall guy yet again.  Have you ever felt that way?  Have you ever felt that you, in other peoples eyes, were wrong?  Born to soon or to late?  In this job and not that one?  Associated with her/him instead of whomever? 
     If it makes you feel better this happened to Jesus also.  If this can happen to God then why should I think I'm immune?  Except God isn't to blame when I sin.  At least I have that caveat to hang onto.  Many have had great injustices piled on them (Read the book of Job) and paid the price even if they didn't deserve that consequence.  We have examples all around us which we stereotype so that we can't be lumped in with "that group."  It seems that we can't escape the guilt of association either.  So, what are we to do?
     Becoming a hermit isn't a choice.  It's not a solution either.  When everything is said and done, we are still left with reality.  Now, I admit, that I've had my share of justified blame for whatever has been directly related to me.  That's no excuse to make an excuse.  Facts are facts.  It's very common in business for the ball to roll downhill in the blame game until that ball lands at the lowest ranking person.  Somehow we have come to the place where the game has changed.  There isn't denial over the problem.  There is blame to pass onto someone else.  When that someone has been dealt with life can get back on track until the next time.  Many a well intentioned person has fallen victim to this ploy.  No one really cares until it happens to them.
     What happens if we get blamed to many times?  We either become invisible, pass on the blame or do what we are accused of.  Not exactly good choices here.  When this happens we begin to lose faith in the person attached to the blame.  A wise man once said, "Distrust all in whom the impulse to punish is powerful."  The blame game takes away trust.  When trust has eroded far enough something happens.  Usually that something is negative in connotation.  We become disenchanted with whatever relationship is being affected.  That may be with another person or a job.  It may even pop up in our relaxation and play.
     The need to confess that I have been on both ends lends me to say, "I'm sorry." and "It's not my fault!  While there is no reason to make someone else the scapegoat, there is the need to deny my own issues.  Separating out the two requires an unbiased entity.  Maybe it's not wise to use someone involved in our life.  After all, they know our past.  We wouldn't like that to add to the damage.  Yet, we are judged in part by our past.  We don't need to lay down and die be walked on either.  It would be nice to have an impartial opinion.  The only place you will find this falls at the feet of Jesus.
     While we are instructed to love everyone, it's difficult to love the enemy.  What happens if we take the step to being responsible to God?  If we have done wrong, we will confess and change our ways.  Should we be falsely accused we can bring that to God also.  I'd rather hear harsh words from my closest friend than from God.  Likewise, I'd rather hear praise from God than from my closest relationship.  Ultimately, everyone will stand before God to give an account of how they lived their life and the choices they made.  I know this is fair but still don't like it.  Why?  Because I have fallen short of the glory of God.  I've sinned and hurt others as well as myself.  I've rationalized and justified my wrong to make it right.  Perhaps it's time to lay down everything in our lives and let God sort out what stays and way goes.
     Should we decide to relinquish our lives to God, things will change and we will feel blessed.  I can only engage today so I'll give the day to God and find peace.  With that peace in hand I can pass it on to others.  When others are granted peace they can also pass it on.  One choice can indeed make our world better.  It's my always has been.

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