Wednesday, August 27, 2014

No good deed goes unpunished!

     I don't think that I am the only person who has ever felt this way. It seems to happen according to Murphy's rules.  And of course there is the element of our not being able to address the situation fully spilling the deed over to another day as well.  So, when you least expect it, the deed takes place and there is initially nothing you can do about it at the time and place you are currently.  I know this makes me look like a pessimist.  So, I'll try to recoup my peace of heart and mind and try to fully rely on God. 
     It just so happens that this learning curve has been thrown to me.  Although I know that I will get through it; I'm still unhappy about it.  I first learned of this axiom when I was just about a sophomore in high school.  I didn't recognize the event could even have any purpose.  I don't think anyone looks for the lesson of an adult world while still in high school.  What I did learn was that I was going to get through this particular time in my life.  Sometimes we learn and sometimes we don't.  What I learned was that I needed to understand that I'm not special.  This happens to most people during their lifespan. 
     While I can now look back over my life and see that there has been purpose in my life, I'm still caught by surprise when this "learning curve" is thrown at me.  I've also learned that for the most part I'm not alone in this experience.  This affects around me whether they know it or not.  My kids haven't been immune.  My wife hasn't been immune.  My employer and social network haven't been immune either.  As I've said, I've grown used to the event but still get my chain yanked from time to time. 
     So, what happened that I'm writing this blog?  My wife and I went to pick up a rental truck for our move to our new place.  This is because my wife obtained a wonderful new job that she has fully earned.  Surprised is a good description as I was told my drivers license had expired a few months ago.  Adapting to this news, I didn't drive the truck.  This morning I'll go and get it renewed and expect another Murphy moment.  If I go to the place understanding that something negative may happen, I won't be quite so disappointed.  That means the loading of the truck will have its delay and that causes us to need the truck another day (possibly) which will cost more and further stretch our already stretched budget.  This, of course, will cause increased stress on my wife and that stress will be transferred to me.  Everything seems to roll down hill and there I am waiting for the sky to fall.
     Did I mention the good deed going unpunished?  Did I mention Murphy?  Between the two I can either be disgruntled or at peace.  I choose peace.  I don't do peace as well as I should.  So, I'll have to rely on God for the day, hour, and even moment.  God says he will never leave or forsake me.  That's good!  God says he will never put on me more than I can bear.  I take care of that all by myself!  God says that if I do the deed unto him, that I will have peace.  So, what does that mean?
     That I can bypass all of the people involved in my day as well as Murphy if my head is on right at the beginning.  My responsibility is simply to focus on Jesus and his will in my life.  He will take care of the rest.  There is no need for negativity by me.  I can choose to let go of all that is not of God.  It's difficult but possible.  God is always waiting for me to let go and let him do what he does best; take care of me in all ways. 
     God doesn't punish me, nor has he endowed Murphy with any control over us.  So, turn your day over to God and relax.  That said, life isn't easy.  However, it's as hard as we want it to be. 

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