Monday, August 18, 2014

Missing the point.

     At one time or another we all have missed the point of whatever experience we are having.  No one is excluded from this failure.  This problem has been around since the beginning of time.  By the way, the beginning of time began when Adam and Eve took of the forbidden fruit.  And, by the way, we don't know if it was an apple or not.  Probably not.  And by the way, our spiritual death and physical deaths are different things.  One more.  And by the way we have over 400 dreams on average every time we sleep longer than a nap.  Quite the accomplishment.  They don't really matter as at least half of the population don't remember dreams anyway.  By the way...
     I read with dismay the rant of a "Christian" yesterday.  The topic was a stars life lived and the prophesy that the star would spend eternity in hell.  What the hell?  I've seen my share of ignorance in my own communications over the span of my life.  That which I haven't seen people are quick to remind me of them.  Thank you for nothing.  Whatever happened to "take the log out of your eye first" as it applies to OUR life? 
     Calling oneself a Christian and being a Christian are two very different things.  I can call myself a hamburger all day long and never be one.  Yet we proclaim that being a Christian is only within the definition or interpretation we have.  Being able to verbally assault someone who is dead doesn't make you right or good.  It means you don't understand who God is and what he has done for you and I.  Before we can call ourselves Christian we first need to look at what that means according to God.  Yes, we can actually ask God AND read in the Bible just what a Christian is and is not.  Are you one?  I don't know.  Am I one?  Yes. 
     You see, part of the mantle of a Christian is they examine their life first.  If we would just let Jesus do that search...  Yeah, that one is difficult.  For, if we would do so, the process would take us the rest of our lives to address.  Having said that, we don't have the luxury of time or knowledge to spend on proclaiming others saved or not.  That includes whether another person goes to heaven or hell.  Being judge and jury, we believe, should only be towards others.  Holding that bar high for others doesn't apply to us.  It's "them" that are somehow not good enough for God. 
    When we ask Jesus to forgive our sins and to be the Lord of our life, the task is done.  It doesn't mean that we are instantly forever made perfect.  However, that being said, if you do this as your decision, you are His forever.  Perfect or not.  The need for being saved at this point is redundant.  We don't need to be saved over and over.  Christianity doesn't work that way.  We will have to be repentant for that which we think, do, or say which is outside the will of God.  To proclaim that we know so and so will spend eternity in heaven or hell is outside our area of expertise.  Thank God! 
     So, the next time before you open your mouth to make such a proclamation as a Christian, walk on water first. 

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